Daily Briefs

One-third of college faculty see their salaries dip

More than one third of college faculty nationwide took a pay cut this academic year, and overall faculty pay showed no salary increase, according to a new report. [Chronicle of Higher Education] The typical professor had received a pay raise... (Continue reading)

Atascadero teens busted for school yard drug dealing

A group of Atascadero teens from three different schools are under investigation for possession of and dealing drugs on school grounds. [AtascaderoNews] The four students, two boys and two girls from Atascadero’s junior high school, the high school, and the... (Continue reading)

Green Party fading in California

The California Green Party seems to be fading as a political movement. During the last five years, the number of registered “Greens” in California has shrunk from 158,000 to 111,000. [San Jose Mercury News] Even more telling was the anemic... (Continue reading)

Google Fiber rally planned for SLO

A rally to help make San Luis Obispo one of the test cities selected for the upcoming Google Fiber project is being held on Tuesday, March 16 at 5:30 p.m. in Mission Plaza. Google, the search engine giant, plans to... (Continue reading)

Ashburn remains on “personal leave”

Republican state Senator Roy Ashburn remains on a self-imposed personal leave, at least through Monday, following his high-profile DUI bust last week in Sacramento. [San Francisco Chronicle] Ashburn, 55, was arrested and booked into Sacramento County Jail on suspicion of... (Continue reading)

California proposes animal-abuser registry

Should people convicted of felony animal abuse be forced to register with law enforcement, just like sex offenders? One California legislator thinks so, and has introduced  such a bill, one that would make California first in the nation. [Time] “We... (Continue reading)

Increased minimum wage equals decreased teen jobs

The increase in California’s minimum wage may have come at the expense of teen employment, according to some economists. [Daily Bulletin] Minimum wage in California has increased roughly 18 percent since 2005, but the Employment Policies Institute (EPI) claims the... (Continue reading)

Anti-gay state senator arrested after leaving gay bar

Controversy continues to dog conservative firebrand and state Senator Roy Ashburn following his DUI arrest earlier this week. California Highway Patrol officers arrested Ashburn for allegedly driving drunk after leaving a Sacramento gay nightclub with another man in his car.... (Continue reading)

Thousands protest education cuts

Demonstrators took to the streets across California on Thursday to protest education funding cuts for high schools and universities. [Los Angeles Times] In Oakland, 150 marchers were arrested after they blocked a freeway, tying up rush hour traffic near the... (Continue reading)

The man who controls Maldonado’s future

Whether or not Abel Maldonado becomes the next lieutenant governor of California seems to be in the hands of new state Assembly speaker John Perez, a man who already voted once against Maldonado’s confirmation. [Capitol Weekly] In an interview published... (Continue reading)