Meathead Movers are packaging and sending relief supplies to Kansas City for Heart to Heart International to send on to Haitian earthquake victims. They are asking the community to donate “care kits,” on Jan. 20 between 9 a.m. and 6... (Continue reading)
Monday is an official holiday, with the celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Day. Expect the following to be closed today: Banks, schools, post offices, libraries, and most government offices. Cal Poly and Cuesta College are also closing down. Meanwhile,... (Continue reading)
The number of Californians receiving food stamps has increased 42 percent since 2007, according to a new report. [San Bernadino Sun] According to the California Budget Project, nearly 3 million state residents received food stamps last fall. By contrast, in... (Continue reading)
San Luis Obispo police arrested three men early Saturday morning in connection with a string of strong-armed robberies that unfolded after midnight. The two Cal Poly students received injuries. Neither victim was hospitalized, though one did require medical treatment. At approximately 2:19... (Continue reading)
In a scenario all too familiar to Californians, the state of Arizona has announced plans to close most of its state parks. [Los Angeles Times] The Grand Canyon State, currently wrestling with a multibillion-dollar deficit, plans to close 13 parks... (Continue reading)
A $5,000 reward is being offered for information in the recent shooting of two horses in Arroyo Grande. Police continue to search for leads in the case. The two horses were shot, one fatally, at Varian Arabians on Corbett Canyon... (Continue reading)
Steps were taken behind closed doors on Thursday in an attempt to resolve the long-simmering standoff between controversial rancher Dan De Vaul and San Luis Obispo County. De Vaul and his advisers met for several hours with county officials. Sunny... (Continue reading)
County emergency officials are warning of "a very serious, strong weather series of events next week." Based on data from the National Weather Service in Oxnard and PG&E meteorologist John Lindsey, they expect a series of storms to hit the... (Continue reading)
More than 89,000 California residents and businesses are currently sitting on an estimated $50 million in uncashed I.O.U’s. [New York Times] The state issued about 450,000 I.O.U.’s, valued at roughly $2.6 billion, to taxpayers, vendors, and contractors last July during... (Continue reading)
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger wants 100 major construction projects across the state exempted from California environmental laws. [Capitol Weekly] The plan, already coming under heavy attack, would block the power of the courts to review 25 projects each year, from 2011... (Continue reading)