
The path to freedom

By GARY E FORESMAN MD (Editor’s note: This is part three in a five-part in a five-part series on stress management.) We have now defined “stress” and “stress management” in ways that provide meaning for the remainder of our series.... (Continue reading)

Movie review: Oz the Great and Powerful

By MIRANDA FORESMAN Oz the Great and Powerful looked so very promising with its bright colors and cast of stars. The finished product, however, suffers greatly from those very same elements. For clarification, Oz the Great and Powerful is not... (Continue reading)

What is stress reduction?

By GARY E FORESMAN MD (Editor’s note: This is part two in a five-part series on stress management.) In Part I of the series I gave a very physiologic perspective to the definition of stress. Of course, everyone’s own subjective... (Continue reading)

What is stress after all?

By GARY E FORESMAN MD (Editor’s note: This is part one in a five-part in a five-part series on stress management.) This educational series is my attempt to clarify some salient issues involved with defining, understanding, and treating what is... (Continue reading)

Blame Sally worships at the church of rock and roll

By COLIN JONES It’s not every day that you can see a rock and roll show in a San Luis Obispo church on a Friday night, is it? Well this is SLO town, not exactly a live music mecca with... (Continue reading)

Movie review: Warm Bodies

By MIRAND FORESMAN When I heard Warm Bodies, the novel by Isaac Marion, was being made into a movie, I thought to myself, “Well, that’ll be a fun adaptation.” After screening this weekend’s box office champ, indeed it appears as... (Continue reading)

Movie review: Gangster Squad

By MIRANDA FORESMAN Gangster Squad had potential. Not the blow-you-out-of-your-seats potential, and certainly not summer-blockbuster potential, but maybe future-cult-favorite potential. That potential was as unrealized as an unlit match. Looks pretty, but does not get the job done. The cast... (Continue reading)

Movie review: Silver Linings Playbook

By MIRANDA FORESMAN I honestly can’t remember the last time I sat around waiting for a movie to hit a theater near me. Silver Linings Playbook looked like my kind of story as soon as I read about it last... (Continue reading)

Movie review: The Hobbit

By MIRANDA FORESMAN Nine years after the theatrical release of the final installment of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, director Peter Jackson brings us back to the Shire, back to Bilbo Baggins, and back 60 years to a more... (Continue reading)

Myers’ Cocktail

By GARY FORESMAN As each day goes by, we hear about the epidemics of illnesses not adequately treated by Western medi¬cine. Whether drug-resistant infections or chronic illnesses that drugs may mask the symptoms of but can never actually treat, people... (Continue reading)