A bill recharging California’s renewable energy plans is expected to skip through the state Assembly and make it to Gov. Jerry Brown for signature. (San Francisco Chronicle) The measure by Assemblyman Henry Perea (D-Fresno) is considered the most significant energy... (Continue reading)
A Cayucos woman who crashed her car into two bicyclists last week, killing one and injuring the other, pleaded guilty to charges of manslaughter and driving under the influence on Tuesday. [KSBY] Four days earlier, Jessica Whitney Goddard, 29, pleaded... (Continue reading)
By DANIEL BLACKBURN A San Luis Obispo County couple has received a million-dollar-plus settlement and title to two houses in a case that is likely to result in more lawsuits by people who lost property to mortgage lenders after the... (Continue reading)
The state of Iowa is granting permits for the legally blind or completely blind to carry guns in Iowa in public places. [Newsmax] The issue has started a debate between disability advocates and law enforcement that focuses on public safety... (Continue reading)
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff deputies and State Park Rangers discovered a beached panga boat with a package of marijuana near the San Simeon State Park Campground Tuesday morning. The 30-foot panga boat had been abandoned with one 30-pound package... (Continue reading)
Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo (CAPSLO) director of homeless services Dee Torres has lost her slander case against Mike Brennler, a private investigator who had been working with CalCoastNews on news articles about abuses of the homeless. San... (Continue reading)
Drought conditions in California will be worsened by a current dearth of surplus water, and that coupled with a third straight dry year could mean exponentially bigger supply problems in 2014. (Sacramento Bee) Any available statewide surpluses are being utilized... (Continue reading)
OPINION By TOM DAWSON Why haven’t we heard about the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) and the plans it has for us before now? Working in cooperation with “partner” organizations, globalist politicians from ICLEI have been quietly put into... (Continue reading)
A fire burned an Atascadero house Monday night, displacing a young couple with two children [KSBY] The fire occurred around 8:30 p.m. Monday in the 2400 block of Traffic Way. It took about 30 firefighters and five fire engines to... (Continue reading)
California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill co-authored by Central Coast Assemblyman Katcho Achadjian Monday, which closes a loophole in state rape law. AB 65, authored by Achadjian and Assemblywoman Bonnie Lowenthal, reverses an 1872 law that allowed men to... (Continue reading)