
Cal Poly student dead after collision

A 22-year-old Cal Poly student died Thursday from injuries he sustained after he collided with a pickup truck Wednesday while skateboarding on Grove Street in San Luis Obispo. Jacob Van Staaveren, who was not wearing a helmet, failed to halt... (Continue reading)

Standard & Poor’s cuts Arroyo Grande’s credit rating

Arroyo Grande’s credit rating outlook was cut by Standard & Poor’s because of the city’s failure to set aside sufficient funds to meet bond debt requirements. S&P reduced its outlook on Arroyo Grande’s long-term and underlying rating on its Redevelopment... (Continue reading)

Atascadero police accused of illegal searches

By DANIEL BLACKBURN Atascadero police are routinely rooting through backpacks and belongings of youngsters in the city park, often without permission, in what officials describe as an attempt to staunch gang and criminal activity.            ... (Continue reading)

Congalton sells movie script to Hollywood

San Luis Obispo radio talk show host and writer Dave Congalton spent most of August in Los Angeles for the filming of the motion picture comedy Scribble, based on his original screenplay [Deadline: Hollywood]. The movie, which stars Chris Klein,... (Continue reading)

Democratic Party withholds SLO mayor endorsement

The San Luis Obispo Democratic Party voted not to endorse Mayor Jan Marx in her bid for another term on the city council. The local Democratic Party’s election committee has endorsed Marx in past elections. However, issues over a contentious... (Continue reading)

Gourmet Macaroni and Cheese Festival, event photos

American General Media Radio produced the grand foodie event of the year on the Central Coast, the Gourmet Macaroni and Cheese Festival at Le Vigne Winery in Paso Robles on Aug. 25. A portion of the proceeds went to support... (Continue reading)

Valley Fever cases rise in San Luis Obispo County

Cases of Valley Fever in San Luis Obispo County have more than doubled over the past few years from 87 reported cases in 2009 to 225 cases in 2011. [KSBY] So far this year, there have been 100 reported cases.... (Continue reading)

Wanted: Justice Department memo analyzing strikes against suspected terrorists

In the world of secret information about powerful people, there are two sets of documents in especially high demand right now. First are Mitt Romney’s undisclosed tax returns. You already know about those. The other is a classified legal memorandum,... (Continue reading)

Two sentenced to prison for torching Boy Scout hall

An Arroyo Grande teen and a Creston man were sentenced to Wasco State Prison Monday for torching a historic Boy Scout meeting hall and Japanese Cultural Center in Arroyo Grande in 2011 Both teens when they set the fire, Brian... (Continue reading)

Pellet gun carrying Central Coast teen facing expulsion

A Lompoc Valley Middle School student is facing expulsion from school after police discovered a pellet gun in his backpack. On Monday morning, a caller informed police that the 13-year-old boy had pulled what appeared to be a handgun from... (Continue reading)