
Central Coast Renaissance Festival, event photos

Royalty, knights and peasants drank grog and made merry at San Luis Obispo County’s most unique festival, the annual Renaissance Festival on Saturday (part 1). If you would like to buy a high resolution print of any of these photos,... (Continue reading)

Andrew Carter withdraws from SLO mayor’s race

San Luis Obispo Councilman Andrew Carter announced earlier today he has decided, for personal and financial reasons, not to seek the mayor’s seat. Carter’s statement: “I have decided to discontinue my campaign for Mayor of San Luis Obispo. Although it... (Continue reading)

Parks may get big money boost

 A veritable state parks windfall of $54 million may help keep some facilities from closing after Gov. Jerry Brown met Monday with lawmakers to discuss the matter. (San Francisco Chronicle) It was learned late last week that the department had... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles lender Linda Kennedy in jail

Former Paso Robles lender Linda Ann Kennedy of 21st Century Financial in Paso Robles is slated to be arraigned today on four felony counts in the San Luis Obispo County Superior Court. Kennedy, 49, allegedly swindled more than 1,000 investors... (Continue reading)

SLO council approves lower fees

Developer fees for construction in the Margarita area have been reduced by nearly $2.3 million by the San Luis Obispo City Council in an effort to settle a disagreement and stimulate home building. The agreement was made with Rescal, a... (Continue reading)

Man dies in collision with Abel Maldonado’s wife

Congressional candidate Abel Maldonado’s wife was the driver of a Cadillac Escalade that crashed into a Honda Accord killing a 30-year-old man on Monday in Santa Maria. Laura Maldonado, 45, and her teenage son were headed eastbound on Foxen Canyon... (Continue reading)

Shoplifter sues Paso Robles for police brutality

By KAREN VELIE A woman caught shoplifting has filed a federal lawsuit against the city of Paso Robles, an officer, and the current and former chiefs of police, claiming her civil rights were violated during a 2010 arrest. It is... (Continue reading)

School test answers go viral

Test questions and answers posted online will delay release of the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) results for two weeks, state education officials said. (San Jose Mercury News) The annual posting usually occurs in mid-August, but when Department of Education... (Continue reading)

Supervisors consider ordinance to jail their opponents

OPINION By STEW JENKINS Besides the obvious lack of wisdom inherent in criminalizing someone performing an emergency landing of their airplane or hot air balloon on county owned vacant land, if enacted the ordinance being considered by the Board of... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo County accused of attempting to restrict free speech

By KAREN VELIE San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors are set to consider a draft ordinance on Tuesday that both conservative and liberal groups have dubbed an unconstitutional attempt by the county to squelch free speech and limit a... (Continue reading)