
Health insurance fee looms

A new $1 fee will be charged by the federal government to your health insurance plan starting Jan. 1, the result of a largely unheralded provision of President Obama’s health care law. [SFChronicle] The annual fee, assessed to each person... (Continue reading)

Is Maria taking Arnold back?

Will the new year bring about a new chance for Arnold Schwarzenegger to regain his family? [SFGate] Maria Shriver is said to be reconsidering her divorce from the former California governor, according to TMZ.com and several other entertainment venues. The... (Continue reading)

SLO employee discriminates via Facebook

A San Luis Obispo Police department administrative assistant called her fellow staffers names and told them where they should go after a department employee asked to have her photo taken off a Christmas tree for religious reasons. The outburst was a... (Continue reading)

Another Arroyo Grande sex harassment claim

Another Arroyo Grande police officer says she was sexually harassed and discriminated against, and that department and city officials ignored reports of illegal acts. Michelle Cota is suing the city, the police department, Chief Steven Annibali and former Commander John Hough... (Continue reading)

California leads the nation in hate crimes

California recorded more hate crimes than any other state in 2010, according to recently released findings from the U.S. Department of Justice. California reported 1,331 hate crime offenses in 2010. Three of those crimes occurred in San Luis Obispo. The... (Continue reading)

Atascadero facing another water rate increase

Atascadero residents could see their water rates go up another 7.5 percent if officials at the Atascadero Mutual Water Company have their way. [AtascaderoNews] On Jan. 11, the Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC) Board will discuss if the rate increase... (Continue reading)

Legal theft of vehicles will cease

A new law taking effect Jan. 1 will prohibit law enforcement from confiscating and towing vehicles of unlicensed drivers stopped at DUI checkpoints. [AssociatedPress] The controversial practice has resulted in the taking  of thousands of vehicles and placing them in... (Continue reading)

Why local media opposes SOPA, and why you should care

OPINION By BILL MACFADYEN When I first heard talk of SOPA, of course I thought of Mexican food. But the more I’ve learned about the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) working its way through Congress, the more of a bad... (Continue reading)

Christmas at the Point San Luis Lighthouse, event photos

The Other Reindeer singers helped usher in the holidays with timeless Christmas carols at the third annual holiday celebration at the Point San Luis Lighthouse.   If you would like to buy a high-resolution print of any of these photos... (Continue reading)

Business lobby tops labor lobby

Business won the  lobbying wars in Sacramento this past year, knocking off more potentially pesky legislative proposals than any other special interest group under the dome. [CaliforniaWatch] Between labor, business and others, interest groups spent more than $216 million for... (Continue reading)