
Celebrating 100 years of woman voting, event photos

San Luis Obispo celebrated the 100th anniversary of the historic election that secured the right of California women to vote and run for office with skits, speeches wine and cake. Find local events as at CalCoastNews’ Event Calendar. If you... (Continue reading)

Brown caves to police, vetoes bill to restrict searches of cellphones

OPINION By PETER SCHEER Jerry Brown, as you may have heard, has vetoed SB 914, a bill sponsored by the First Amendment Coalition that would have required police to get a warrant before searching through cellphones or other digital devices... (Continue reading)

Cops’ cell phone searches still OK

California law enforcement agencies can continue to search the digital contents of cell phones taken from arrested persons after Gov. Jerry Brown’s veto of a legislative attempt to require warrants for such actions. [SanFranciscoChronicle] The torpedoed bill’s author, state Sen.... (Continue reading)

Cal Poly sorority pledge pushed to drink in possible hazing

The Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Alpha Phi sorority pledge who ended up with alcohol poisoning said her sorority sponsor encouraged her to drink in an alleged hazing. [MustangDaily] Following a call from the unnamed pledge’s mother, Cal Poly officials... (Continue reading)

Knife attack in Goodwill parking lot

San Luis Obipso Police say a 46-year-old man attacked another man with a knife in the Goodwill Industries parking lot Tuesday morning. Martin Macarena started arguing with Aaron Schriner, a man he has an ongoing civil dispute with, as they... (Continue reading)

Atascadero dad tricks kids into believing in Ewoks

Atascadero graphic designer Anthony Herrera likes to play a game called “Find the Ewok” with his daughter. So on a recent trip to Sequoia National Park, Herrera told her that Ewoks, made popular through the “Star Wars” movies, lived among... (Continue reading)

SLO man murdered in Wasco Prison cell

A 50-year-old San Luis Obispo man serving time in Wasco State Prison for a parole violation was found dead Tuesday, and his cellmate, former actor Joseph Son, is charged with murder. The victim has not yet been identified, but authorities... (Continue reading)

SLO Chief behind open carrying legislation

San Luis Obispo Police Chief Deborah Linden launched the successful effort to criminalize the open carrying of unloaded handguns in public, wrote Dave Maggard, president of the California Police Chiefs Association, in an email. On Monday, Gov. Jerry Brown announced... (Continue reading)

E. coli found in California ground beef

Meat samples from a Los Angeles company that ships ground beef to restaurants have been found to be contaminated with E. coli and a recall has been initiated, according to government officials. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and... (Continue reading)

Central Coast Railroad Festival, event photos

As part of the Third Annual Central Coast Railroad Festival, attendees left Grover Beach on the Pacific Surfliner and headed to the San Luis Obispo Amtrak Station for a celebration at the Freight House. If you would like to buy... (Continue reading)