
Robert Fowler files $127 million personal bankruptcy

Developer Robert Fowler, a partner in the failed R.W. Hertel and Sons, filed for personal bankruptcy listing $127.6 million in debt, on Sept. 26. Fowler said $105.6 million are personal guarantees he made on business loans, according to his bankruptcy filing.... (Continue reading)

Collaboration Forum, photos

Speakers at this year’s 16th annual San Luis Obispo County Nonprofit Collaboration Forum focused on ways to incorporate volunteers and social marketing into collaborative efforts, last Thursday. Key note speaker Stephan Gunsaulus, director of Marketing and Communication at Cuesta College,... (Continue reading)

Passage of Proposition 21 is crucial

OPINION BY MARY GOLDEN Opponents of Proposition 21 are trying to mislead citizens of California. The initiative, designed to protect funding for our state parks system, was put on the ballot by citizens fed up with Sacramento, not politicians, and the... (Continue reading)

Tony Cipolla to KCOY? See for yourself

Former KSBY news anchor Tony Cipolla appears to be heading to Santa Maria for a new TV gig with arch rival KCOY Channel 12. At least, that’s the clear impression from this television spot that has been airing on KCOY. Cipolla... (Continue reading)

“Taking care of their own” – Callahan claim filed

By KAREN VELIE San Luis Obispo city officials have confirmed that a workers compensation claim based on presumptive causes was filed on behalf of former Fire Chief John Callahan that is slated to cost the taxpayers about $7,000 per month.... (Continue reading)

Cal Poly plane crash: 50 years later

Cal Poly is planning a special memorial ceremony during Saturday’s football game against  St. Francis University to mark the 50th anniversary of the plane crash that killed 16 players, the team manager, and an alumni booster. [LA Times] Survivors of... (Continue reading)

The workers’ comp case that San Luis Obispo won’t discuss

San Luis Obispo city officials are refusing to answer questions about a workers' compensation claim filed on behalf of San Luis Obispo Fire Chief John Callahan, who died last summer, slated to cost the taxpayers about $7,000 per month. Information about... (Continue reading)

California consumers still reluctant to spend

A new survey by Citibank California indicates many state residents have permanently altered their saving and spending behavior, despite feeling better about the economy’s prospects. [LA Times] Roughly 60 percent of the respondents said they had cut back on credit... (Continue reading)

New database lists city-county salaries

In the wake of the city of Bell scandal, state officials unveiled a new website Monday detailing the salaries of city and county workers across California. [LA Times] The  new site, created by State Controller John Chiang, allows users to... (Continue reading)

How Arroyo Grande blew a million dollars

At the same time the Arroyo Grande City Council was looking to reduce the deficit by cutting money from after school programs and law enforcement, the Council voted to pay almost twice the current market value for the empty former... (Continue reading)