The contentious battle over binding arbitration and benefits between San Luis Obispo city and its safety workers has ended with a landslide victory for the City Council. A preliminary count of ballots showed that both Measure A and B passed... (Continue reading)
A law taking effect in January targets a common practice of some California city council members of improperly fattening their paychecks with multiple-meeting stipends. The new law requires local lawmakers to announce the amount of stipends they will receive when... (Continue reading)
More than a dozen homeless people left the Sunny Acres sober living facility in San Luis Obispo last Sunday—including the adult daughter of local homeless advocate Maxine Lewis. The Sunny Acres residents were asked to leave by rancher Dan DeVaul... (Continue reading)
Bill Loving, media attorney, journalist and college professor, has joined CalCoastNews as the new editor. Loving replaces George Ramos, his Cal Poly journalism colleague, who died unexpectedly last June of a heart attack. Loving, former chair of Cal Poly San... (Continue reading)
A Minnesota architect accused of abandoning his 11-year-old son was arrested Monday afternoon in Cambria while working in a deli. [MinneapolisStarTribune] Steven Alexander Cross, 60, appeared to be living in his van, reported arresting deputies. The Ford Windstar van Cross... (Continue reading)
An Atascadero woman screams, “stop, stop, please send someone,” to the 911 operator. In the next room, caller Sarah Summers’ developmentally disabled stepson grapples with another man who has followed him to his father's home after the stepson passed him on... (Continue reading)
There are an untold number of uninsured who fall between the cracks in San Luis Obispo County. So Ahmad Nooristani and a group of medical professionalism have tackled the formidable task – and made huge inroads – with the SLO... (Continue reading)
Police arrested a 34-year-old Oceano man Monday morning who allegedly fled the scene of a traffic accident two days earlier which left a motorcyclist injured on a Grover Beach roadway. Jason W. Wallin was taken into custody following an investigation... (Continue reading)
Urging termination of California’s death penalty, an advocacy group launched a ballot initiative effort Monday, just days after a similar proposal stalled in the legislature. Taxpayers for Justice announced a signature-gathering campaign aimed at giving state voters a chance to... (Continue reading)
In the vast majority of California counties, including San Luis Obispo County, elected sheriffs have the final say in determining the manner of death in coroners’ cases. [CaliforniaWatch] Researchers at Temple University concluded in a new study that the political... (Continue reading)