A man was driving a stolen van in San Miguel while under the influence of drugs and in possession of a machete and a crack pipe, according to the California Highway Patrol. Around noon Monday, the CHP received a call... (Continue reading)
A motorcyclist riding with stolen credit and gift cards fled officers at speeds of up to 115 mph on Highway 101 in San Luis Obispo County Sunday, according to the CHP. The suspect managed to evade officers and get the... (Continue reading)
OPINION by JULIE TACKER The South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District continues to experience serious personnel issues at great expense to the district. These problems are similar to those documented in the 2011 Ventura County Grand Jury report, “Bullying in... (Continue reading)
By KAREN VELIE Two years after losing their bid to operate a rock quarry in rural Santa Margarita, the owners of the proposed quarry filed a new application for a reduced project. In the revised application, truck trips are reduced... (Continue reading)
The leader of the movement to repeal and replace San Luis Obispo’s rental inspection program is threatening to overturn a similar ordinance in Guadalupe. San Luis Obispo attorney Stew Jenkins describes Guadalupe’s ordinance as “more extreme” than the one recently... (Continue reading)
A 59-year-old who became light-headed while hiking ended up being airlifted off Bishop Peak Sunday afternoon. [KSBY] Around 4 p.m., the San Luis Obispo Fire Department received a call about a light-headed hiker. When fire crews arrived at Bishop Peak,... (Continue reading)
OPINION by T. KEITH GURNEE The San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors’ comments on Administrator Dan Buckshi’s announcement that he was resigning to take the city manager position in Walnut Creek should come as no surprise. Chairman John Peschong,... (Continue reading)
A double-decker bus caught fire on the Cuesta Grade Sunday morning shutting down one lane of northbound Highway 101 traffic for several hours, according to the CHP. Shortly before 10 a.m., the bus pulled over south of Santa Margarita with... (Continue reading)
Former Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca, who was convicted of overseeing a scheme designed to obstruct a federal investigation into corruption and civil rights abuses at county jail facilities, was sentenced last week to 36 months in federal prison.... (Continue reading)
Windows at Templeton High School were defaced Saturday with swastikas and racial slurs. At approximately 7 a.m., a school staffer found the windows marred with the racial slurs and called law enforcement. As a result, deputies are investigating this incident... (Continue reading)