OPINION By MIKE BRENNLER Lately we have heard a great deal of grumbling concerning Governor Brown’s decision to abolish Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRDA). Much of the grumbling comes directly from city officials who complain that the Governor’s actions are akin... (Continue reading)
OPINION By JULIE TACKER It’s funny that Monday’s story about the California Public Records Act graced the pages of the Tribune just as I was writing my response to a December 1 Tribune article, “Los Osos sewer project may get... (Continue reading)
OPINION By JOHN SALISBURY Mercy, Mercy! Please deliver us from these nanny-state unregulated regulators who have set their sights on agriculture child labor laws. If you have chanced upon my columns in the Avila Community News, Cal Coast News, or... (Continue reading)
OPINION By BILL MACFADYEN When I first heard talk of SOPA, of course I thought of Mexican food. But the more I’ve learned about the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) working its way through Congress, the more of a bad... (Continue reading)
OPINION By KERRY WOLNY As Congress considers legislation to reform the business model of the Postal Service, it must confront a basic choice: to permit the Postal Service to function more as a business does, or constrain it from doing... (Continue reading)
OPINION By JOHN B. ASHBAUGH, San Luis Obispo City Councilman Here’s a riddle for you: When is a “0” not a zero? Answer: When it’s being deployed by a political activist with an axe to grind. I refer, of course,... (Continue reading)
OPINION By KEVIN RICE A recent public relations blitz from the city of San Luis Obispo lauded $807,000 in compensation reductions voluntarily taken by top management. Our local spoon-fed media then dutifully regurgitated the numbers put forth by the city... (Continue reading)
By ROGER FREBERG The search for quality ingredients and adequate cooking equipment seems to be never ending. If you’ve seen Chef Gordon Ramsay’s show “the F Word,” you understand the extremes he goes to raising or hunting for the finest... (Continue reading)
OPINION By ED WAAGE The Air Pollution Control District has responded to comments concerning the proposed regulation of the Oceano Dunes vehicle riding area which will be considered at the APCD Board meeting this Wednesday. The regulation is based upon... (Continue reading)
LETTER FROM BECKY JORGESON TO COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERS I am disappointed every day of my life as I hear more stories of how, and more importantly why, homeless people are kicked out of the Prado Day Center. For not doing... (Continue reading)