
What next for Los Osos?

OPINION By JOE SPARKS With the decision of Judge Robin Riblet to accept the Los Osos Community Services District (LOCSD) Chapter 9 (Bankruptcy) Plan of Debt Adjustment, the five-year odyssey of the LOCSD through local, state, and federal courts is... (Continue reading)

Getting Lost in a Book

OPINION By ROGER FREBERG When I hear folks discuss the “joys of reading,” most talk about the latest novel involving a bunch of dysfunctional people eking out a miserable existence, and then they die tragically. If I wanted to experience... (Continue reading)

Time to wake up the giant

OPINION By DR. DON REGAN What is the matter with a country whose political process at every level is so distorted and upside down that it is persistently countermanding and suffocating the very best and necessary interests of itself, for... (Continue reading)

The fight over water continues in Paso Robles

OPINION By KAREN REED In the July 2011 issue of the Paso Robles Magazine, Paso Robles City Manager, Jim App said that the water rates proposed in 2007 were “virtually identical to those recently adopted”. After all the citizens of... (Continue reading)

Remembering George Ramos

By GLEN JUSTICE I was sad to read of the death of George Ramos, veteran reporter, Pulitzer Prize winner and my journalism teacher long ago. George taught basic reporting at USC when I was in school in the early 1990s,... (Continue reading)

County failing to protect Oceano from flooding?

OPINION By JEFF EDWARDS On July 19, the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors heard a progress report from their Public Works Department regarding the drainage and flooding problems in Oceano. Unfortunately, with only a few short months remaining... (Continue reading)

Karl Rove accused of political amnesia

REBUTTAL By BILL CARRICK Bush political guru, Karl Rove, has a hole in his memory about his time in the Bush White House. The Karl Rove sponsored ads attacking Congresswoman Lois Capps have been called “misleading” and “mostly opinions” by... (Continue reading)

Forgive Dan De Vaul

OPINION By WILLIAM SEARCY By the standards of the world’s housing, what Dan De Vaul is offering his sober living and previously homeless clients is quite remarkable in its amenities– wood framed, sturdy, ventilated, lockable, electrified,  finished and basically furnished... (Continue reading)

Something smells in Los Osos

OPINION By PIPER REILLY Recent allegations about an inappropriate relationship between Paavo Ogren and Maria Kelly are old news to those of us who have been actively involved with the Los Osos waste water project. We have been complaining about... (Continue reading)

You can’t kill me, I’m a level 76

OPINION By ROGER FREBERG By now everyone knows that California’s stupid law prohibiting the sale of violent video games to children has been struck down by – no less than—the United States Supreme Court. In what many are claiming to... (Continue reading)