Opinion by SLO County Clerk Recorder Tommy Gong In response to Tom Fulks’ Feb. 1 Viewpoint — “Why is SLO County Elections Office making it harder for people to vote?” — I want to make some clarifications and educate the... (Continue reading)
OPINION by ALLAN COOPER Let’s get real. The City of San Luis Obispo is giving away the farm. Our pro-development, pro-growth and so-called “progressive” City Council is conspiring with a certain developer to over build (even by State standards) on... (Continue reading)
OPINION by RICHARD SCHMIDT Terracide. Land killing. Earth murder. Only the most oblivious would deny that’s the crime we’re committing. To hear our SLO City Council – all self-proclaimed environmentalists — tell this story, environmentalism’s all about greenhouse gases and... (Continue reading)
OPINION by JULIE TACKER In September of 2017, South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District Board member alternates, Karen White from Oceano and Barbara Nichols from Grover Beach, voted to censure Arroyo Grande Mayor Jim Hill. To censure someone is... (Continue reading)
OPINION by DAVID SNYDER It’s not hard to find people in Washington with strong opinions about Wikileaks and its founder, Julian Assange. But good luck finding someone with an opinion about Assange that hasn’t flipped 180 degrees (and maybe back... (Continue reading)
OPINION by JEFF HORTON Is it just me, or are things starting to look too “city” around here? At this time, I am beginning to lose the idea that it is just me because I hear the same complaints everywhere... (Continue reading)
OPINION by PATRICK BLACKBURN It has been two years since the United States held a presidential election that was likely influenced by reams of misinformation that dominated the news feeds in every Americans’ Facebook and Twitter accounts. Since then, leaders... (Continue reading)
OPINION by T. KEITH GURNEE Now that the dust has settled on our local elections (with the notable exception of the Los Osos Community Services District), It’s time to put those results in perspective. San Luis Obispo Mayor Heidi Harmon... (Continue reading)
OPINION by DANIEL BLACKBURN Six years ago today, an article was published on CalCoastNews that would forever reshape the lives of its authors and their families — and ultimately those of the article’s subjects. The article discussed questionable practices by... (Continue reading)
OPINION by RICHARD SCHMIDT My votes for San Luis Obispo City Council just got wasted again. Just like in 2016. Just like before that. Election after election, my votes play no role in electing anyone to a council that then... (Continue reading)