Uncovered SLO

Atascadero woman attacks Obama protesters

By JOSH FRIEDMAN Claiming she was defending President Barack Obama from an unwarranted attack, an Atascadero woman pepper sprayed a group of peaceful protestors on Monday afternoon. Atascadero police then charged the woman with two counts of battery. During the... (Continue reading)

Supervisors waffle on support for Paso Robles water bill

By DANIEL BLACKBURN A heavily-amended legislative proposal to create a “hybrid” water district for controlling the Paso Robles water basin no longer has support from the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors following a circuitous, often testy discussion by... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo fined for dumping hazardous waste

By KAREN VELIE After first denying the dumping of hazardous chemicals violated the law, the city of San Luis Obispo paid an $8,690 penalty in May for the illegal dumping at the city’s corporate yard. The California Department of Toxic... (Continue reading)

SLO planning guest house rental ban

By JOSH FRIEDMAN The San Luis Obispo City Council has given initial approval to an ordinance that would ban many property owners from renting out their guest houses. The council voted 5-0 in support of the ordinance, which contains several... (Continue reading)

Police dispute that Ray is a target

By KAREN VELIE San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Caren Ray contends a pellet or BB shot through her window was done purposely by someone standing in her small private front yard, an allegation police say the evidence does not support.... (Continue reading)

Creston group denied water advisory seat

By DANIEL BLACKBURN An influential Creston community organization has been excluded from a county advisory group whose eventual findings will help shape the future of the hotly-contested Paso Robles water basin. The Creston Advisory Board last week asked for a... (Continue reading)

Los Osos manager sidestepping duties

By JOSH FRIEDMAN The general manager of the Los Osos Community Services District has worked for the agency since last October but has only been sworn in to do so since earlier this month, a violation of the California Constitution.... (Continue reading)

Is SLO’s vehicle sleeping ban unconstitutional?

By KAREN VELIE Amid a federal appellate court ruling Thursday that struck down a Los Angeles law that prohibits homeless from sleeping in their vehicles, San Luis Obispo homeless advocates are waiting to see how city officials will respond. A... (Continue reading)

SLO ratepayers taking a long hike

By JOSH FRIEDMAN San Luis Obispo city staffers are unaware of the last year in which sewer rates have not increased. The city has raised sewer rates for at least the past 21 years, and they will go up again... (Continue reading)

Guadalupe flirting with bankruptcy

By JOSH FRIEDMAN Guadalupe City Administrator Andrew Carter, who often describes himself as a numbers person, has discovered some financial mismanagement and accounting practices that could leave him without a city to administer. Guadalupe, which has the smallest tax base... (Continue reading)