By CALCOASTNEWS STAFF “Law enforcement officers have names for the girls offering them sex on the beat: Badge Bunny. Holster Sniffer. Uniform Jumper. Handcuff Hugger. In Paso Robles, brethren in blue have one more: The Chief.” And with those words... (Continue reading)
By KAREN VELIE EDITOR’S NOTE: See a claim filed by six Oceano homeowners against South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation plant administrator John Wallace at the bottom of this story. Six Oceano homeowners filed a lawsuit on Dec. 18 that claims... (Continue reading)
EDITORS NOTE: See Adam Hill’s email calling a state parks official contemptuous, misleading and dishonest at the bottom of this story. By KAREN VELIE San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Adam Hill’s “scathing emails” have now caught the attention of California... (Continue reading)
By DANIEL BLACKBURN A San Luis Obispo County supervisor lashed out Wednesday at a local business owner for posing questions about a proposed homeless facility and seeking more detailed information from the facility’s planners. In a disparaging email, District Three’s... (Continue reading)
Two music-licensing firms with clients ranging from Lady Gaga to Jay-Z have taken interest in acts performed by amateurs at a San Luis Obispo coffee lounge — which has put an end to “open mic night.” Representatives of Broadcast Music... (Continue reading)
In 2011, Gewynn Tayor confronted San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Bruce Gibson over his claim that Los Osos residents can cover the cost of the proposed sewer project with the equity in their homes. Gewynn said his premise was incorrect... (Continue reading)
By DANIEL BLACKBURN At least he can write. An Atascadero High School student was removed from class on Dec. 4 and arrested by local police for allegedly scribbling his name in fresh concrete. The student, who is not being identified... (Continue reading)
By KAREN VELIE San Luis Obispo staffers accuse city officials of snubbing the president, the “greatest generation,” and victims of Pearl Harbor after they ordered employees to raise flags lowered in honor of Pearl Harbor patriots to full-staff. President Barack... (Continue reading)
By LISA RIZZO The worldwide movie premier of “The Hobbit” next week will unveil the fastest imaging in cinema history during a journey through ‘Middle-earth,’ thanks in part to technology designed and manufactured by USL, Inc. in San Luis Obispo.... (Continue reading)
By CalCoastNews staff The San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors meeting did not proceed as scheduled Tuesday. After a late start to the meeting, Supervisor Adam Hill petitioned to move the 18th item on the agenda, the controversial agriculture... (Continue reading)