Uncovered SLO

Solomon out as Paso Robles chief

By DANIEL BLACKBURN Lisa Solomon has stepped down as chief of police of Paso Robles following a tumultuous two months of relentless accusations by her own officers of sexual misconduct. An agreement between her and the city calls for payment... (Continue reading)

App to Solomon: Lovely Lisa Meter Maid

Paso Robles City Manager Jim App labeled Police Chief Lisa Solomon as "Lovely Lisa Meter Maid” in one of a number of sometimes bizarre emails between top city staff, in which App also identified himself as “P.B.G. phat bald guy.” In... (Continue reading)

Paavo Ogren named in drunk driving lawsuit

San Luis Obispo County Public Works Director Paavo Ogren is being sued for allegedly allowing his son to drive a vehicle he owned, knowing the teenager had a problem with drugs and alcohol abuse. On June 16, Kirk Ogren drove his... (Continue reading)

App mute on moles at union meetings

Paso Robles City Manager Jim App and Police Chief Lisa Solomon allegedly used spies during negotiations last year with police officers’ union representatives and later discussed the practice in emails. Members of the Police Officers Association (PRPOA) reacted sharply to the... (Continue reading)

Grisly details of Paso Robles murder revealed

Bizarre details of the murder of a Paso Robles motel maintenance man were described in San Luis Obispo Superior Court on Friday by investigators and a witness who depicted four people planning to kill a man they accused of kidnapping... (Continue reading)

Racial intimidation escalates in Arroyo Grande

On Friday, the African American teen who awoke last March to find an 11-foot cross burning outside her bedroom window pulled into the Shell service station on Grand Avenue with her mother. They then discovered two racist flyers placed over... (Continue reading)

Crime stats don’t tell real story

It’s hard to accept as convincing the assertion that crime is down in Paso Robles when one can look out a window at a passing parade of daily lawbreaking. But the criminal activity that occurs regularly outside the picture windows of... (Continue reading)

Oceano battles against transparency

Oceano’s attorney is advising district staff break the Public Records Act and not allow the public legally mandated access to district records. The California Public Records Act is a powerful tool used by reporters and the public to uncover governmental shortcomings... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles claims the computer did it

Paso Robles city officials have repeatedly provided conflicting crime statistics and falsified documents in an apparent attempt to bolster claims the city’s crime rate is down. While Police Chief Lisa Solomon continues her claim that crime has been reduced under her... (Continue reading)

Is Paso Robles fabricating crime statistics?

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." -- Phrase popularized by Mark Twain Paso Robles Police Chief Lisa Solomon is proclaiming a dramatic drop in crime under her watch, but the numbers she provides to back up... (Continue reading)