Uncovered SLO

Journalism faculty continues to bail

Three tenured faculty members have bailed from Cal Poly’s journalism department in the past few months leaving the department with five vacancies and only three full time faculty members remaining. The vacancies will be filled with temporary lecturers, including former KSBY... (Continue reading)

Double-decker bus controversy arrives in San Luis Obispo

Updated Aug. 31. to include the price of the bus and statements by Tim Bochum, deputy director of public works. Amid budget cuts and plans to raise the cost of bus service for the elderly and disabled, San Luis Obispo city... (Continue reading)

Undersheriff Steve Bolts plans to step down

San Luis Obispo County Undersheriff Steve Bolts announced Friday he plans to leave the department next month in an email memo to select sheriff employees. In June, Atascadero Police arrested Bolts for suspicion of drunk driving. He pleaded not guilty to... (Continue reading)

Annie’s new owners unleash their anger on Facebook

The woman who adopted Annie the dog from county Animal Services last July finally broke her silence Friday night in a scathing public letter posted on Facebook. Using the pen name “Sasha Sampson,” the Arroyo Grande woman responded to the... (Continue reading)

Opponents battle over Prado Road extension

The fight over the proposed extension of Prado Road that would connect South Higuera Street to Broad Street on the south end of San Luis Obispo, which will be on the Nov. 2 general election ballot, is heating up. The proposal,... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo seeking business fee and tax revenue

The city of San Luis Obispo sent out 3,900 letters seeking business license fees from rental property owners today as part of an aggressive campaign to increase license fee revenues. The letter asks landlords to pay a business application fee of... (Continue reading)

Unemployment on the rise in San Luis Obispo County

San Luis Obispo County lost an additional 600 jobs from June to July increasing the number of unemployed to 14,400, according to a report released Friday by the state Employment Development Department. Last month, state and local government employees lost approximately... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles hires Bell attorney firm

Paso Robles City Council voted last night to hire the same attorney firm that signed off on the lavish salaries of city of Bell officials and employees. Councilmembers Nick Gilman, Ed Steinbeck and Mayor Duane Picanco voted unanimously to approve the... (Continue reading)

Neighbors’ complaints shut down green waste recycling

A battle over the smell of freshly ground greens has escalated to the point where most of San Luis Obispo County’s green waste composting will be eliminated, raising serious questions about the fate of the Cold Canyon Landfill. On Sept. 1,... (Continue reading)

Connected firms reap big contracts in Atascadero

Consultants connected to Atascadero City Manager Wade McKinney have profited handsomely from consulting and bond work for the North County city. Contracts for the work have often gone to consultants listed as associates of McKinney, according to data available through the... (Continue reading)