Uncovered SLO

Morro Bay Power Plant sold amid allegations of illegalities

NRG Energy agreed to purchase the Morro Bay Power Plant along with three additional energy facilities for nearly $1.9 billion on Friday in a complicated agreement in which allegations of breach of fiduciary duty have already been leveled. NRG Energy... (Continue reading)

Cal Poly journalism department on the chopping block

An official at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo has warned journalism staff and faculty during several meetings over the past few weeks that the department will be shut down if they can’t learn to get along. “The dean... (Continue reading)

Internal affairs investigates allegations of internal affairs at sheriff’s department

San Luis Obispo County Sheriff officials are conducting an internal affairs investigation into a male sheriff's deputy and a female jail correctional officer who are accused of sexual misconduct on the job and of filing a false report against the... (Continue reading)

Dean ousts Cal Poly journalism chair

Cal Poly Liberal Arts College Dean Linda Halisky asked journalism department chair Bill Loving to step down Thursday. When he refused, the dean announced he would be terminated, amid allegations by a faculty member that she had been treated... (Continue reading)

City fires officers convicted of drug smuggling

The two San Luis Obispo police officers who plead guilty to charges they had attempted to bring Mexican prescription drugs into the United States by way of the San Ysidro port of entry were fired following an internal investigation. On... (Continue reading)

Police spend thousands repairing new cruisers

San Luis Obispo police have spent $37,434 in seven months repairing and maintaining 10 high speed police cruisers, causing some to question if the Dodge Chargers are prone to malfunctions, or are the breakdowns the result of poor care and... (Continue reading)

Federal investigation into Atascadero shifts into high gear

Federal agents from several agencies including the FBI and FEMA were in the city of Atascadero a few weeks ago asking questions about the Printery – the city’s former youth center - and searching through records related to the alleged... (Continue reading)

Jewelers’ suspicions lead to arrest of serial burglars

After Atascadero police failed to link a stolen diamond ring report with a report of two suspicious-looking men trying to sell an expensive diamond ring to a jewelry store, the victim took it upon her self and tracked down her... (Continue reading)

Is there fair justice?

He was convicted of felony manslaughter and drug possession, but he never spent a day in jail. In fact, he was permitted to leave the country to vacation in Europe while on unsupervised probation. Rubin family members are upset that Alex... (Continue reading)

Deputies transgressions caught on videotape

Which has the most weight in a court of law — the testimony of a law enforcement official, or that of an average, law-abiding citizen? A rare opportunity to see, and hear, how some San Luis Obispo County sheriff’s deputies... (Continue reading)