Articles Tagged With ‘Cal Fire’

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

Cal Fire Website

Elderly woman dies in RV fire

An elderly woman died in a recreation vehicle fire Monday night at a Morro Bay mobile home park. [KSBY] The fire occurred at the Rancho Colina Moblie Home Park in the 1000 block of Atascadero Road, according to Cal Fire.... (Continue reading)

Dystiny Myers murder testimony begins in prelim hearing

Firefighters who responded to the burned body of Dystiny Myers testified Monday about statements made by one of the defendents during a preliminary hearing on the murder of the 15-year-old Santa Maria girl. [Tribune] The trial, rescheduled to begin February... (Continue reading)

Seven dogs die in pet resort fire

Seven dogs died in an early morning fire Monday at Thousand Hills Pet Resort outside of San Luis Obispo. [KSBY] The fire burned three kennels at the Buckley Road ranch around 6 a.m. killing the dogs inside. Thousand Hills Pet... (Continue reading)

Cal Fire burn spreads 100 acres

The control burn at Montana de Oro State Park spread 100 acres beyond its charted path Tuesday. But, the unplanned fire is now 60 percent contained, Cal Fire says. Cal Fire worked with California State Parks Tuesday night to prevent... (Continue reading)

Control burn jumps containment at Montana de Oro

A Cal Fire control burn at Montana de Oro State Park is burning beyond containment after stronger than expected offshore winds pushed the fire across set lines onto Valencia Peak. [KSBY] “We planned extensively for this prescribed fire and deployed... (Continue reading)

Avila Beach Golf Resort fire caused $400,000 in damages

Fire destroyed a golf cart shed at the Avila Beach Golf Resort on Saturday causing an estimated $400,000 in damages. Cal Fire crews responded to the fire at about 6 p.m. By that time, the fire had spread from the... (Continue reading)

New fees for rural SLO County residents

Later this week, thousands of San Luis Obispo County rural residents will begin receiving bills for a new annual “fire prevention fee” levied by the state of California and criticized by opponents as unnecessary and illegal. Gov. Jerry Brown proposed... (Continue reading)

Felon firefighter forces dwindling

Even as California’s fire season reaches its peak, state officials are learning that a new prison policy will drastically affect the numbers of firefighters available in emergencies. (SF Chronicle) State prison trustees who have been trained to provide critical, physical... (Continue reading)

Avila Beach fire almost fully contained

Firefighters have a fire on the ridge separating Avila Beach from Shell Beach almost fully contained. Cal Fire officials said between five and six acres of heavy brush burned in the fire that was first reported about 3:30 p.m. today.... (Continue reading)

Woman dies in SLO house fire

A San Luis Obispo woman has died in a Wednesday evening fire at her home on Al Hill Street. Firefighters arrived about 7 p.m. to find flames and heavy smoke billowing from the house. Neighbors told firefighters they suspected an... (Continue reading)