Articles Tagged With ‘California’

Death row inmate who killed Atascadero couple dies

A longtime death row inmate who was convicted of a 1988 brutal double murder in Atascadero died in a hospital near San Quentin State Prison Tuesday evening. San Luis Obispo County District Attorney Dan Dow said Dennis Duane Webb’s death... (Continue reading)

California Democrats try to thwart Trump’s immigration policies

California Democrats are introducing a host of bills aimed at stopping President-elect Donald Trump’s immigration policies, real or perceived, from taking effect in the state. One package of bills consists of urgent measures that, if passed, would take effect immediately.... (Continue reading)

California Democrat Party considering financial disclosure rules

In response to a controversy involving one of its leaders, the California Democratic Party is considering a new rule that would require its officials to disclose any compensation they receive in exchange for advocating for a statewide ballot measure or... (Continue reading)

No new oil drilling on the Central Coast

The Obama Administration announced Friday that there will be no new oil drilling leases on the Central Coast of California for at least five years. [KCBX] The federal government’s new oil and gas leasing program for offshore federal waters through... (Continue reading)

Andrea Seastrand declared California’s taxfighter of the year

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (HJTA) named former congresswoman and San Luis Obisop County resident, Andrea Seastrand, the “2016 Taxfighter of the Year.” Seastrand currently serves as the president of the Central Coast Taxpayers Association (CCTA). She recently led the... (Continue reading)

California needs an honest initiative system

OPINION by DAN DOW I am deeply saddened that a majority of California voters were misled to believe that the early release of prisoners from state prison would only apply to truly nonviolent crimes. The initiative system must be changed... (Continue reading)

California janitor earns more than a quarter million

A custodian who works for the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system received more than $270,000 in total compensation last year, including more than $160,000 in overtime pay, according to Transparent California, a database of pay and retirement benefits. Liang... (Continue reading)

Wet October points to a wet winter

As California enters it sixth year of drought, October rains are creating speculation that it could be a wet year. [Tribune] Throughout the Central Coast, many communities have received almost double the average rainfall this October. At the San Luis... (Continue reading)

Blakeslee-backed initiative aims for transparency in California Legislature

A ballot initiative backed by former state sen. Sam Blakeslee and Republican donor Charles Munger, Jr. aims to prevent California lawmakers from ramming through legislation before their colleagues and the public have been given the opportunity to review it. The... (Continue reading)

Porn studios employ California blackout to counter condom initiative

California porn connoisseurs are stumbling into digital barriers which could be impeding them from getting their daily fix. In response to a state ballot measure that calls for requiring adult film performers to wear condoms during sexual intercourse, several pornography... (Continue reading)