By STEW JENKINS A California Court of Appeal ruled Thursday that Sprint Telephone companies cannot sue for reimbursement of $9 million in taxes on property that had been over assessed in 50 California counties including San Luis Obispo County, because... (Continue reading)
OPINION By G. EDWARD GRIFFIN Everyone knows there is a drought-related water shortage in California, but less known (or at least less discussed) is that many parts of the state are not impacted. The Paso Robles water basin, which is... (Continue reading)
Syphilis cases in California women more than doubled, and reports of the disease in newborns have more than tripled in the state over the last two years. [LA Times] The number of early reported cases of California women contracting the... (Continue reading)
California’s Latino population now exceeds its white population, recently released census figures show. [LA Times] As of July 1, 2014, about 14.99 million Latinos lived in California. California’s white population, as of last summer, was 14.92 million, according to the... (Continue reading)
California Governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill into law that will require almost all schoolchildren in the state to be fully vaccinated, even if their parents object. [Mercury News] Senate Bill 277 eliminates a provision in California law that... (Continue reading)
OPINION By PETER SCHEER Local officials talk a good game about government transparency and accountability. And while city council members and county supervisors often go through the motions of conducting official business in an open and public way, on the... (Continue reading)
Records of prescriptions, doctor visits and hospital stays belonging to Covered California enrollees will soon be part of a state database. [LA Times] Covered California, has announced plans to collect health insurance data on every patient. Executives say the data... (Continue reading)
A federal appeals court in San Francisco is hearing arguments Tuesday on whether California’s restrictions on concealed carry permits can stand the test of the Second Amendment. [Wall Street Journal] In California, applicants who wish to carry concealed handguns in... (Continue reading)
San Luis Obispo County is not one of 11 California counties that provide low-cost health care to illegal immigrants, according to a Los Angeles Times report. A 1933 California law states counties must “relieve and support all incompetent, poor, indigent... (Continue reading)
Two Northern California toddlers have suffered rattlesnake bites in the past week, and veterinarians are warning state residents that the drought is bringing the venomous snakes closer to humans. [ABC 7] Two-year-old Ishneed Kaur was bitten Tuesday night while playing... (Continue reading)