More bad news for President Barack Obama: His approval rating in California has dropped as voters become increasingly skeptical of his proposed health care reforms. [San Francisco Chronicle] A new statewide Field Poll shows that 56 percent of Californians support... (Continue reading)
Tuesday’s upset victory by Republican Scott Brown in the Massachusetts Senate race reverberated all the way to California, as gleeful GOP members vowed that Senator Barbara Boxer is next. [San Francisco Chronicle] Boxer, seeking her fourth term in the U.S. Senate... (Continue reading)
The Supreme Court temporarily blocked an attempt to allow the early release of 40,000 prisoners in California. [Los Angeles Times] The early release is being advocated as a way to reduce prison overcrowding in California. However, the Supreme Court decided... (Continue reading)
The number of Californians receiving food stamps has increased 42 percent since 2007, according to a new report. [San Bernadino Sun] According to the California Budget Project, nearly 3 million state residents received food stamps last fall. By contrast, in... (Continue reading)
More than 89,000 California residents and businesses are currently sitting on an estimated $50 million in uncashed I.O.U’s. [New York Times] The state issued about 450,000 I.O.U.’s, valued at roughly $2.6 billion, to taxpayers, vendors, and contractors last July during... (Continue reading)
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger wants 100 major construction projects across the state exempted from California environmental laws. [Capitol Weekly] The plan, already coming under heavy attack, would block the power of the courts to review 25 projects each year, from 2011... (Continue reading)
Sacramento observers believe Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is embracing a tax reform system for California that includes a major shift in the tax burden from the rich to the middle class. [Oakland Tribune] The strategy comes on the heels of a... (Continue reading)
A strong earthquake, measuring 6.5 in magnitude, hit Eureka, in northern California, Saturday afternoon. [Los Angeles Times] Power lines snapped throughout the region, disrupting power. One shopping mall was evacuated. However, law enforcement officials report no loss of life, and... (Continue reading)
Protesters in the Bay Area have recently mounted a guerrilla campaign to draw attention to the relationship between Pacific Gas and Electric, and the Israeli company Solel. PG&E signed a 25-year contract with Solel to develop the Mojave Solar Park... (Continue reading)
A federal judge ruled Wednesday that next week’s trial in San Francisco of a lawsuit challenging Proposition 8 can be videotaped for delayed Internet release on YouTube. [San Francisco Chronicle] Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker ordered the coverage. Proposition... (Continue reading)