Articles Tagged With ‘San Luis Obispo’

Arroyo Grande man arrested for felony DUI

San Luis Obispo Police arrested an Arroyo Grande man, who drove his car into a tree early Saturday morning injuring himself and his passenger, for felony DUI. Ethan Michael Dodgen, 25, drove his 2011 Volkswagen into a tree at the... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo’s homeless barred from services

By JOSH FRIEDMAN, KAREN VELIE and DANIEL BLACKBURN Scores of homeless, barred from Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo’s homeless services, spend their days begging for food, looking for shelter and avoiding city police who target them. CAPSLO receives... (Continue reading)

Copelands trade San Luis Obispo properties to Atlanta firm

An Atlanta based company has purchased $100.5 million in commercial property in San Luis Obispo from the Copeland brothers in exchange for assuming $50 million in debt and for $50.5 million in ownership of Jamestown properties. Copeland properties, owned by... (Continue reading)

Woman assaulted on Cal Poly campus

Cal Poly University Police are searching for a college-aged man who assaulted a woman on campus Monday night. [KSBY] Officials say a white male, between 5 feet 10 inches and 6 feet, grabbed a woman walking on North Perimeter Road... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo man injured in fight

A late night fight in San Luis Obispo has landed one man in the hospital and another in jail. At about 1:30 a.m. on Monday, Cody Bovee, 28, of San Luis Obispo and Gregory Gonoch, 27, from Arizona got into... (Continue reading)

NORCAST equipment failure impacting local businesses

Phone services downed because of an equipment failure at NORCAST Telecom Networks are slate to be corrected Thursday afternoon, a spokesperson said. Early Wednesday morning, multiple businesses found that their phone services were intermittently breaking down. Many were not able... (Continue reading)

Man pleads to attempted murder with an American flag

A San Luis Obispo man who attempted to murder a 90-year-old woman with an American flag pleaded no contest Wednesday to attempted murder. [Tribune] Under the plea agreement, Brennen Fulfer, 26, will receive a 13-year sentence. According to court testimony,... (Continue reading)

Wushu Taichi at Meadow Park, event photos

Wushu Taichi Center’s Saturday at Meadow Park included displays of colorful displays of Taichi and other traditional Chinese martial arts. Find local events as at CalCoastNews’ Event Calendar. If you would like to buy a high-resolution print of any of these... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo laundry thief arrested

San Luis Obispo police arrested a woman they say stole laundry from at least 11 other people at the Madonna Road Apartments. [KCOY] After the shirts, socks, pants and underclothing were cleaned and dried, Autumn Ferguson, 40, allegedly absconded with... (Continue reading)

Murder victim’s family angry over 40 year sentence

The husband and sister of a woman who was murdered by her mentally ill son told the court they were upset about the 40-year to life sentence given to Christopher Shumey. Shumey allegedly shot and killed his mother, a 65-year-old... (Continue reading)