Let’s do launch: A new approach to the old business of news

BY JEFF BLISS Is it tougher to be part of a big launch or to be there when an enterprise meets its end? That’s the question I find myself thinking about as this new “New Media” outlet bravely steps out into nothingness.... (Continue reading)

Alex Madonna Construction 66-Yrs

[youtube zUoBbBhPbUk 480 335] Love him or hate him, you have to admit — Alex Madonna was one of a kind. Here’s a video salute marking 66 years of the Madonna Construction Company, capturing the spirit and uniqueness of the... (Continue reading)

EFI victims’ bank account numbers released

By KAREN VELIE In the age of rampant identity theft, San Luis Obispo County officials, in a recent mailing to Estate Financial Inc. (EFI) victims, deliberately placed some investor bank account numbers on the outside of envelopes they mailed to the... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo Shell station part of $19.5 million judgment

By KAREN VELIE The Shell Oil Co. will pay $19.5 million in civil penalties and fees to cover environmental violations at its California gas stations including reports that operators tampered with or disabling leak detection devices at a now-defunct Shell gas... (Continue reading)

Cal Poly-Saudi deal kaput

By KAREN VELIE A controversial proposal to partner California Polytechnic State University with a Saudi Arabian university has been abandoned by Saudi officials, according to an article in the Mustang Daily. Many opponents claim the projected program excluded women, Jewish people, and... (Continue reading)

Atascadero officials attempt to filch more FEMA funds

By KAREN VELIE There is growing evidence in Atascadero – the recollections of former elected officials, city employees, and previous reports – that shows that some leading city officials purposely lied when they reported that the historic City Hall’s foundation substantially... (Continue reading)

CSU Chancellor announces first step toward layoffs

By KAREN VELIE Just three months after California State University (CSU) officials pitched furlough days as an alternative to layoffs, Cal Poly professors received notice of intended terminations. Last July, CSU Chancellor Charles B. Reed said furloughs would save 6,000 jobs and... (Continue reading)

Pasolivo: How much is the ranch really worth?

Editor’s note: This is the second and final article in a series of stories examining how the development of Pasolivo olive ranch was funded through Estate Financial Inc. and how the San Luis Obispo County Superior Court-controlled asset is being... (Continue reading)

Pasolivo: The olive ranch the investors built

Editor’s note: This is Part One in a series examining how Pasolivo olive ranch was funded and how today it is being managed by Joeli Yaguda under the direction of the San Luis Obispo District Attorney’s office. By KAREN VELIE A Paso... (Continue reading)

Where does Settle live?

By KAREN VELIE During the past four months, police and fire have responded to a San Luis Obispo house owned by City Councilman Allen Settle at least three times. The visits, prompted by complaints about noise, suspicious activities and an illegal... (Continue reading)