February, 2010

Loaded guns now allowed in national parks

A new law takes effect today, allowing loaded guns in major national parks and wildlife refuges, including Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon. [Los Angeles Times] The law lets licensed gun owners bring in firearms as long as they are allowed... (Continue reading)

Concert Review: Elton John and Billy Joel

BY DAVID CONGALTON The Elton John-Billy Joel “Face 2 Face” concert tour has been the largest grossing act on the circuit for the last few years, and it’s not tough to understand why. Take the two top pop piano players... (Continue reading)

Cambria playhouse threatened with closure

The Pewter Plough Playhouse, currently in its 34th season, may soon be facing a final curtain, unless building owners can raise funds to install a new fire sprinkler system. County officials and the Cambria Fire Department are requiring the community... (Continue reading)

Our constitutional responsibility

BY NOEL FOERST Unhappy with water development plans drafted by Paso Robles City officials, a group of residents formed to take part in their local government. For this action, they’ve encountered the ire of Tribune columnists and editors, along with KPRL radio talk... (Continue reading)

Tracy residents to pay for 9-1-1 calls

Residents of Tracy, located in northern California, will now have to pay every time they call 9-1-1 for a medical emergency. [CBS 13 News] The controversial measure was approved by the city council last Tuesday. Two options are being offered.... (Continue reading)

More (alleged) sex in Arroyo Grande

If it walks like a duck, smells like a duck, and talks like a duck, is it really a prostitution scam? That’s the question Arroyo Grande police were asked to decide earlier this week. The basic facts: Last Wednesday, an... (Continue reading)

U.S. state pension funds face $1 trillion shortfall

A new report warns that U.S. states currently face a total shortfall of at least $1 trillion in their funds for employees’ pensions and retirement benefits. And the problem is rapidly worsening. [Reuters] The New York-based Pew Center released the... (Continue reading)

Consensus: Central Coast lacks business support systems

While the Central Coast is a beautiful place to live, it fails to provide some of the community support systems required to help entrepreneurs thrive in San Luis Obispo County, according to a consensus of three business owners at the... (Continue reading)

CalPERS retirements up

State and local government employees in California are retiring in record numbers. Experts suggest an aging workforce, cutbacks in positions and pay, and the economic downturn are all factors. [Calpensions] Since last July, retirement applications at CalPERS are up 21... (Continue reading)

Facebook now second most-popular website

Facebook has surpassed Yahoo to become the second most popular web site in the U.S., according to Compete, a Web analytics firm. Only Google attracts more visitors. [Los Angeles Times] Facebook attracted nearly 134 million unique visitors just in January,... (Continue reading)