SLO skateboard killer threatened to shoot, molest Jerry Brown

April 11, 2014
Gov. Jerry Brown

Gov. Jerry Brown

San Luis Obispo man Robert Holguin, who at 13 used a skateboard to beat an 87-year-old to death, needed just the approval of Governor Jerry Brown to regain his freedom. [KSBY]

In March, the California Juvenile Parole Review Board found that Holguin, now 22, no longer posed a threat to the public. However, Brown denied Holguin’s release, following threats the prisoner made.

On June 4, 2012, Holguin hacked into a state-owned computer, accessed Brown’s website and sent a threatening email to the governor, according to state and federal investigators.

“check this out you crusty motherfucker i think you suck dick and should burn like my feces in the toilet yo,” Holguin wrote. “i feel you should really eat my dick and eat it over and over again you better hope i never see you i will shoot you with a real gun and my cock. have a nice day and god bless.”

Investigators also searched Holguin’s journal and found references to pistols, rifles, machine guns, explosive and tactical gear. Journal entries also mentioned interests in fame, violence and media violence.

“I find the evidence shows that he currently poses an unreasonable danger to society if released,” Brown wrote in his discharge denial.

In 2005, Holguin broke into the San Luis Obispo trailer of 87-year-old Gerald O’Malley and beat him to death using a skateboard. Holguin then stole O’Malley’s car.

As a child, Holguin was known to have learning difficulties, possibly stemming from brain damage he suffered.


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This is nothing more than Karma. Moonbeam is now experiencing first hand the collateral damage he (and all of us) would suffer at the hands of his decision to appoint Rose Bird to the California Supreme Court and do away with the death penalty.

Karma’s a bitch…isn’t it Jerry.

California needs a brownout.

If it’s Brown, flush it down