Supervisor trying to keep San Francisco a sanctuary city

Despite national outcry over an illegal immigrant allegedly murdering Cal Poly grad Kate Steinle, a supervisor is pushing for San Francisco to keep its status as a sanctuary city. [Mercury News] San Francisco Supervisor David Campos introduced a resolution Wednesday... (Continue reading)

Two Central Coast high school students in comas

Two Central Coast high school students have remained in medically induced comas this week as they recover from severe head injuries suffered earlier this month. Templeton High School football player Isaac Lindsey suffered head trauma during a game against San... (Continue reading)

Atascadero requests more Lake Nacimiento water

Atascadero is joining the cities of Paso Robles and San Luis Obispo in requesting more water from Lake Nacimiento. The cities have drafted a joint letter to San Luis Obispo County asking that water currently allotted to the cities as... (Continue reading)

California cracks down on ‘dark money’

The California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has adopted a regulation that will restrict “dark money” from flowing into state elections from elsewhere in the country. [Mother Jones] Dark money is a term that references donations to political campaigns in... (Continue reading)

Parkinson wants a sheriff’s substation in Nipomo

San Luis Obispo County Sheriff Ian Parkinson is calling for the county to open a sheriff’s substation in Nipomo. [KCOY] On Tuesday night, Parkinson hosted a town hall meeting in Nipomo, where residents raised numerous concerns about crime and public... (Continue reading)

Is SLO seeking more development?

The city of San Luis Obispo is seeking to significantly increase the amount of water it receives from Lake Nacimiento, prompting some to question whether city management is seeking more development. Last week, the San Luis Obispo City Council voted... (Continue reading)

Another SLO City clerk departing

By JOSH FRIEDMAN As with finance directors, city clerks have been prone to departing San Luis Obispo after brief stints with the city under the leadership of City Manager Katie Lichtig. Shortly following the resignation of finance director Wayne Padilla,... (Continue reading)

SLO County planning: Wherefore art thou?

T. Keith Gurnee

OPINION By T. KEITH GURNEE By T. Keith Gurnee Planning for the future is an essential activity of human endeavor. Whether and how we “plan” for our families, our careers, our retirement, the growth of a business, or the future... (Continue reading)

Cal Poly begins construction on controversial dorm

Cal Poly is expected to break ground this week on a $198 million dormitory that will border a residential neighborhood. The planned dormitory will contain 1,475 beds. It will be built on a lot at the corner of Slack Street... (Continue reading)

Morro Bay plans to ban Styrofoam

Like San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay will soon ban Styrofoam, according to a city news release. On Sept. 8, the Morro Bay City Council endorsed a ban on Styrofoam products and directed staff to draft a corresponding ordinance. The council... (Continue reading)