Morro Bay sex offender missing

A convicted child molester and a registered sex offender has disappeared, and Morro Bay police are turning to the public for help locating the man. John Joseph Garcia Jr. was living in the 700 block of Morro Bay Boulevard. Garcia... (Continue reading)

SLO police use DNA to solve early 2016 robbery

A man who allegedly tried to rob a San Luis Obispo liquor in early 2016 with a toy gun was arrested at his Grover Beach home on Wednesday after a DNA match enabled investigators to identify him. On Jan. 9,... (Continue reading)

Carrizo Plain National Monument threatened

By KAREN VELIE President Donald Trump on Wednesday ordered a review of two dozen national monuments that could end protections against mining, logging and oil drilling. Trumps executive order could put the Carrizo Plain National Monument in San Luis Obispo... (Continue reading)

Confessions of a former Democrat

T. Keith Gurnee

By T. KEITH GURNEE In today’s bitterly divided national government dominated by the hardening extremes of each party, where are we headed? Whatever happened to the reasonable moderates of this world? Have we witnessed the death of common sense? If... (Continue reading)

SLO thief snatches wallet from car with driver inside

With a woman sitting in the driver’s seat, a man snatched a wallet from inside a parked car at a San Luis Obispo Chevron station on Friday night. The incident was caught by a surveillance camera, according to the San... (Continue reading)

ASH tried to cover up murder, fired whistleblower, lawsuit alleges

Atascadero State Hospital staff allegedly tried to cover up its apparent liability in a 2014 murder in which a patient strangled to death his roommate. ASH then fired a social worker for blowing the whistle, according to a lawsuit filed... (Continue reading)

Pozo Saloon cancels music festival amid dispute with Alabama

The Pozo Saloon announced the eighth annual Pozo Stampede, a two-day country music festival, has been canceled. Following the announcement, the band Alabama, which was supposed to be the headline act, issued a tweet stating it will not appear at... (Continue reading)

Was a whistleblower placed on administrative leave?

By KAREN VELIE Less than a week after the superintendent of the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District reported that the district had violated the districts bylaws and purchasing policy, the administrator placed the superintendent on paid administrative leave.... (Continue reading)

Arroyo Grande police probe shooting after bullets found in neighborhood

Police have launched an investigation into a shooting that took place Saturday night in a quiet Arroyo Grande neighborhood. Some neighbors initially mistook the gunshots for fireworks, but a woman later discovered two bullets lodged in her car, prompting a... (Continue reading)

Bookkeeper allegedly embezzled more than $1 million from Cambria business

A former bookkeeper embezzled more than $1 million from a Cambria construction business, according to a criminal complaint filed last week by the San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s Office. Elizabeth Edith Shaw, 68, embezzled the money from her former... (Continue reading)