Sheriff nixes San Luis Obispo sex offender’s home detention plan

By KAREN VELIE In another twist, the San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s Department will not allow a former Morro Bay High School teacher, who was convicted of having sex with an underage student, serve his sentence at home. Instead, Tyler Andree... (Continue reading)

Former Morro Bay teacher wins appeal, avoids jail time

BY JOSH FRIEDMAN A former Morro Bay High School teacher who had been sentenced to four months in jail for sexual offenses involving underage students will instead serve his time in home detention, following a ruling on Wednesday. Tyler Andree,... (Continue reading)

Thieves caught on video snatching rug from Madonna Inn

By JOSH FRIEDMAN A pair of thieves stole a rug from the Madonna Inn Saturday night in what may have been part of a prank or initiation. The stolen rug has a Madonna Inn logo, which is something the thieves... (Continue reading)

District attorney sues San Simeon manager over alleged illegal practices

By KAREN VELIE The San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s Office filed a civil suit on Tuesday alleging illegal business practices and false advertising against a company paid to manage the San Simeon Community Services District (CSD). The complaint accuses... (Continue reading)

Activist sues San Luis Obispo pot shop for gender discrimination

By JOSH FRIEDMAN An Orange County men’s rights activist has sued San Luis Obispo marijuana dispensary Megan’s Organic Market over a “Ladies’ Night” promotion that offers women a 16 percent discount on products every Monday night. [Tribune] Steve Frye, a... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles shooting victim’s road to recovery

By JOSH FRIEDMAN The 29-year-old man whom a gunman shot in the head in Paso Robles on Sunday is breathing on his own and often awake, according to a GoFundMe set up on his behalf. In a weekend crime spree,... (Continue reading)

No new deaths, COVID-19 cases in SLO county decline

By KAREN VELIE After 40 deaths in 24 days, there were no deaths from COVID-19 during the past four days, and a decline in new cases from a daily average of 71 on Friday to 63 on Tuesday. During the... (Continue reading)

13 candidates vying for SLO mayor, council seats

By JOSH FRIEDMAN Five candidates are seeking to be appointed mayor of San Luis Obispo for the remainder of the term vacated last week by Heidi Harmon. Vice-Mayor Erica Stewart is among the five candidates. Stewart is the only member... (Continue reading)

SLO cuts bus routes because of driver shortage

By JOSH FRIEDMAN The city of San Luis Obispo has temporarily cut numerous bus routes because of a driver shortage. [KCBX] Since the onset of the pandemic, many SLO bus drivers have sought employment elsewhere. Likewise, some SLO Transit employees... (Continue reading)

SLO County lodging legal action against San Simeon management

By KAREN VELIE The San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s Office plans to file a civil complaint against the the owner of the management company running the San Simeon Community Services District, according to a letter the county sent the... (Continue reading)