California panel calls for billions in reparations for black residents

May 7, 2023

Sacramento California state capitol


A California panel on Saturday approved recommendations for reparations to black residents for decades of discrimination and repression.

The nine-member committee will provide their proposed recommendations to the state legislature for review. Proposed reparations could run up to $1.2 million per person, which would amount to hundreds of billions of dollars.

Earlier this year, Gov. Gavin Newsom reported the state had a $22.5 billion deficit. This comes at a time state tax revenues fall short of expectations.

Because of current financial shortfalls, the committee’s proposals are likely to face some scrutiny in the legislature.

In addition to proposing restitution, the task force recommends a public apology for past racists actions and a promise not to repeat those acts in the future.

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This whole reparations thing is a divide-and conquer thing, also maybe an attempt to buy votes.

California wasn’t a slave state, nobody alive was a slave owner. Nobody was a slave. If this goes any further there is going to be mass outrage, and that’s likely the desired result (manufactured race war?)

Most people who came to this state have arrived long after slavery.

It seems like there is an agenda to try and give American black people a chip on their shoulder recently, and this “reparations” nonsense is really going to inflame race relations between blacks and every other race in this state. Likely by design.

Also, it is interesting, the richest people in the country are mostly from South-East Asia.. Sri Lanka, India etc… so, why is it they are doing better than Europeans? Is it “systemic racism” or…?

I’m split. On one hand I have some philosophical issues with direct cash payments to the distant descendents as a way for the state to absolve itself sin. Billions of dollars doesn’t make things right, and is problematic how the ones who share financial burden are largely immigrants and people who have suffered other injustices in our nations past. On the other hand this nation (moreso than just CA, but only somewhat besides the point) does owe a debt to people who very much did suffer discrimination. I’ve heard ideas like raising the funding of needs based programs that will lift all boats, as well as more esoteric ideas like a generation of foregoing income tax on historically marginalized groups. Ultimately I’m not equipped with the experience or policy knowledge to answer these very difficult questions. This committee seems like it’s got some right answers as well as some wrong.

Just another way for the ruling class to keep us hating each other.

This is ridiculous. California never had slaves. If anyone deserves reparations from the west it’s the Indians and Mexicans for the millions of lives lost there.

Correct me if I am wrong but it was an African American that pioneered slavery in the US so I guess that means they owe us.

A lady relative of mine was thought to be a witch and was burned at the stake. Surely that would qualify me to get reparations right? What idiots think the blacks are due reparations’ from what happened 200+ years ago?

Almost every day, it seems I am (we are?) getting further into the twilight zone.

Wataboutisms: 1) what about the Chinese and their suffering in the 1870s and 1880s? 2) what about the Californios and how their land was ripped off? 3) what about the native peoples who had a bounty on their heads AND their land ripped off? 4) what about the suffragettes and female treatment in general? 5) what about the Chileans that had their gold rush claims ripped off?

BTW, thought California fought for the Union and was anti-slavery. So what is the historical basis for reparations?

How utterly ridiculous and damnable!

What the bloody hell is next!?

But slavery was a red apple that tasted so good, and built America. I hope for purgatory of the Rich class. And Hell. May the wealthy slave owners and destroyer of worlds burn in hell and pay they’re stolen wages.

Revisionist history. Slavery did not “build America.” Stop drinking the kool aid.

You speak of the whole of the Democratic party eh Kevin?

History is a bitch huh!

I would like to see these rich Devil people homes, where slaves are kept.

My Slavic ancestors were slaves to the Russians, Greeks, Ottomans, and the hordes of Genghis Khan. I also demand reparations!

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