SLO County approves spending $13.4 million to help 200 people find housing

July 13, 2023


San Luis Obispo County detailed plans to spend $13.4 million dollars in state grant funding to help reduce encampments in a flood and fire danger zone near the segment of the Bob Jones Bike Trail parallel to South Higuera Street in San Luis Obispo. The Board of Supervisors voted 5-0 on Tuesday to award the funds to the City of San Luis Obispo.

Last month, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced plans to provide SLO County with $13.4 million “to serve 200 people from an encampment in a flood and fire danger zone.” The goal is to move the people out of the encampment and into housing.

SLO County plans to work with four key partners to launch a multi-phase project which will include construction and operation of 34 interim shelter beds and 46 supportive housing beds.

Project Partners:

• City of San Luis Obispo – Provide coordination and leadership for targeted outreach to encampment residents, including support from the Fire Department’s Mobile Crisis Unit and Law Enforcement’s Community Action Team.
• DignityMoves – A San Francisco- based developer that specializes in addressing unsheltered homelessness using rapid-build housing solutions and will lead the development of the DSS South Higuera Lot using modular construction.
• Good Samaritan Shelter – A Santa Maria-based organization with more than 25 years experience, will assist with street outreach and housing navigation to encampment residents and provide day-to-day operations and case management services for the Welcome Home Village.
• LifeArk Modular System – The affordable modular housing system product that will be used to build 80 housing units quickly and safely at the County Owned DSS South Higuera Lot.
• County of San Luis Obispo – Provide oversight and monitor progress through monthly meeting and performance outcomes tracking; Provide service access to referrals received from Good Samaritan Shelter and City of San Luis Obispo.

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$13M is $67,000 each for 200 people! I bet they would be extremely happy & satisfied with $30K each, we tax payers get our roads fix with difference.

Actually they will only house about 80 ppl and half of those will be permanently housed there. So approximately 40 permanent and 40 that can be given temporarily

Within weeks of a big ribbon cutting the trail encampments will reform


Homelessness in most cases is not the problem it’s a symptom of the problem.

I hope our tax dollars find people who will be uplifted and helped to become productive members of society, but I fear a handout will do more harm than good.