San Luis Obispo attorney loses $3.6 million lawsuit, selling assets

June 8, 2024


Two weeks after losing a $3.6 million lawsuit, San Luis Obispo attorney John Belsher is selling his personal belongings, with plans to sell his home and move out of state.

During an estate sale at his home on El Cerrito Street in SLO on Friday and Saturday, advertised as “everything goes,” Belsher sold furniture, art, high-end Trek bikes, construction equipment and more. People working the sale said Belsher is moving to the Midwest and is working to sell his home in SLO.

Belsher currently owns a vacation home near Lake Michigan.

After Belsher and his partner Ryan Petetit failed to return investments in their development projects, in 2018, Jeff and Debora Chase filed a lawsuit that accused the developers of bilking them out of nearly $3 million they invested in four projects. The Chases also accused Belsher of violating State Bar rules of professional conduct.

John Belsher and Ryan Petetit, also known as Ryan Wright

Superior Court Judge Michael Kelley agreed. In a May 23 proposed ruling, Kelley found breach of contract, breach of guaranty, breach of promissory note, breach of fiduciary duty, and fraud and deceit against both Belsher and Petetit. While the case meandered through the legal system, Petetit changed his name to Ryan Wright.

Both the plaintiffs and defendants have 30 days “to call errors or misstatements to the attention of the court for correction.” Within 30 days after the decision becomes final, the Chases have 30 days to prepare and serve a proposed judgement. But by that time, will Belsher have sold his home in SLO and left the state?

During a pause in the trial, on Oct. 30, FBI agents arrested Wright at his home in Grover Beach on a three-count indictment charging him with conspiracy, falsification of records and obstruction of justice. Belsher and Wright’s business, PB Companies, allegedly paid nearly $100,000 in bribes and gifts to former San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Adam Hill.

Even though the initial and supplemental indictments refer to Belsher as Wright’s co-conspirator, law enforcement agents have not arrested Belsher.

A more recent document, the March 26 declaration of U.S. Attorney Daniel J. O’Brien, refers to Belsher as an unindicted co-conspirator.


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Belsher was Gary Grossman’s attorney wasn’t he? Wonder why Belsher was not arrested along with Petetit? Hmmmmm.

Development projects on Lake Michigan coming soon.

The political corruption in SLO County only continues to blight our community. Here, John Belsher and Ryan Petetit Wright show how they used influence and pull from prominent SLO progressive/liberal Democrat politicians to commit fraud against their friends and neighbors. A few months back, the Helios Dayspring and Adam Hill saga showed how retail marijuana store selection defiled our politics, and numerous other so-called leaders, including Heidi Harmon, Miriam Shah, Andy Pease, Jimmy Paulding, Bruce Gibson Dawn Addis, and Caren Ray Rossum were all in on the corruption and ill-gotten gains.

Voters ought to punish these liberals at election time.

Heidi Harmon, Miriam Shah, Andy Pease, Jimmy Paulding, Bruce Gibson Dawn Addis, and Caren Ray Rossum were all in on the corruption and ill-gotten gains.”

I’m positive you have zero evidence for this statement. If you do, please share. Otherwise, it’s just noise.

Belsher and Carol Florence Cripe (County wide regulatory relations expert, planner and landscape designer) more likely than not may have tremendous knowledge of how the SLO racket works, who they target, who works it and who calls the shots.

What does Belsher know about the SLO LUCE, Jan Marx and Airport Land Use Commissioners Michael Cripe and Erich Schaefer?

Follow the money.

Hoping Marx gets arrested before the November election.

Maybe he can take Joe Tarica with him. How many weeks has The Tribune ignored the story? I guess the court judgement is just more irresponsible CCN gossip.

Kelly Gearhart and David Weyrich also “relocated” because of their exploits. Maybe Belsher can room with them.

The Chase’s and many others probably won’t see a dime of their stolen money:(

Belsher’s hightailing it out of town with his ill gotten gains squirrelled away!!!

So sad about the damage these to fraudsters did to so many innocent folks!!!

I hope the Feds finally lock him up and make restitution part of the sentencing, harder to slime their way out of paying!!!

Deep pockets scam failed to turn out.

The shit show is finally ending. Good riddance. Still wonder why this “co-conspirator” is not sitting in a cell next to Wright

Let me write you a check off a closed account. :) How about $1 for your house? Doubtful he is moving to Michigan, likely to the swanky apartment in France, since he likely made a deal with the Fed’s and sold out his “partner” Wright / Petetit and everyone else involved in the ponzi scheme. If he hadn’t made a deal, he would have been in jail with his partner?

Did Belsher work with Wright Homes maybe at Toad Creek?

Is he moving to Utah?