San Luis Obispo city manager sheds interim tag

July 13, 2024


Interim City Manager Whitney McDonald will fill the permanent role of San Luis Obispo’s top executive, the city of SLO announced.

The city of San Luis Obispo conducted a nationwide search for a replacement for former city manager Derek Johnson, who left SLO in April to become the chief executive of Marin County. An ad hoc city council committee consisting of Mayor Erica Stewart and Councilwoman Michelle Shoresman oversaw the search for a city manager.

Prior to joining the city of SLO, McDonald served as the community development director and later the city manager for Arroyo Grande.

McDonald served for several months as SLO’s assistant city manager. Then, following Johnson’s departure, she became interim city manager.

As SLO’s assistant city manager, McDonald oversaw the city’s Community Services Group, which includes the departments of public works, utilities, community development and parks and recreation. As city manager, McDonald will oversee a staff of more than 480 employees and a total budget of about $225 million. 

McDonald holds a Juris Doctor degree from UCLA and a Bachelor of Arts degree from UCSB. 

“I am truly honored to serve in this role as San Luis Obispo’s city manager and look forward to deepening partnerships with community members, businesses, and regional partners,” McDonald said in a statement. “We have a lot to do together, and I am eager to continue working with the community, the city council and city staff to accomplish our strategic goals.”

Mayor Stewart released a statement saying McDonald distinguished herself from an impressive pool of candidates.

“During our very thorough recruitment process, it became clear that Whitney is the right person to lead and elevate our organization into the future,” Stewart said. “She brings an impressive breadth of experience serving public sector agencies for the past 17 years and has a depth of knowledge in housing, land use, development and environmental issues. Her local expertise and action-oriented, problem-solving style will help us address the most important challenges facing our city, as well as implement our ambitious major city goals.”


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“…After a nationwide search..”

I told you, I would do it for 1/4 the salary, and get rid of at least half of the over-paid employees. But nooooooooo. City had to hire an outsider, with a salary and benefits package that far outstrips any other city employee.

Nope, don’t have any math degrees, nor a JD from a prestigious school. Hell, I never went to college! What I do have, is God given common sense when more money is being spent, than is absconded from taxpayers.

Remember this, when the city wants yet another “temporary” 1/2 cent tax increase that never is temporary.

I’ve never once seen a thoughtful explanation of how any one with a brain could easily slash government without huge consequences… Where are the cuts to be had? Police, fire, infrastructure, building inspectors, parks? Maybe you just go after the 15% of the budget that is admin, but someone has to do payroll, hiring, records, etc. for any organization – public or private to run.

I have no doubt that a skilled auditor could find unnecessary waste in the government, but the idea that anyone but a devoted anarchist would find it easy to start firing officers, selling parks, and quit paving roads.

You can always Google the budget as well:

All of these positions pay so well because they are paid with tax payer money, and everyone knows that when it is tax payer money, well…there is always more to give away.

They make so much money because WE ALLOW IT. That’s the true answer. We have the power to change all of it, but we just can’t seem to come together and organize ourselves enough to change anything. As long as we are locked in this battle of ideology and blue vs red, the bloated bureaucrats will just keep on sucking up the free money that we are suckers enough to keep letting them take from us, all under the guise of “necessity”.

We keep falling for it over and over and it appears we always will…

What should they be paid?

I assume you all apply for these jobs and tell them you will work for much less?

How do these government agencies justify paying staff members far in excess what we pay the Vice Present of the US and paying nearly twice what we pay members of Congress.

Because everyone who runs for President or Congress is already rich, the salary is just a formality.

Unpopular opinion, but we should probably pay politicians more – we want the people with the talents to be a CEO, or chief engineer, or business owner to feel it’s worth their time to do the dirty work of fixing government. It’d be worth a billion dollars to make Congress a job worth doing, rather than a title for lawyers, social media addicts and wannabe talk show personalities.

With a Salary of $307,000.00 not including all the benefits?

If that’s true, $307k, thats than a starting ER doctor makes in this County. Someone who signs on to an occupation with huge consequences of error, with maybe 12 years of education and training.