The District Attorney’s office announced Thursday that it will not retry San Luis Obispo firefighter John Ryan Mason who allegedly assaulted a man in a bar bathroom last year [Tribune]. Mason’s felony assault trial ended last month with a hung... (Continue reading)
Is there a concerted but perhaps illegal effort afoot to urge California university students to vote for Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax initiative, Proposition 30, using tax dollars? (Sacramento Bee) Howard Jarvis’ Taxpayers Association thinks so. The Sacramento-based group announced today... (Continue reading)
Six candidates for Paso Robles City Council participated in a lively forum Wednesday evening in the Grand Ballroom of the Paso Robles Inn. Change Paso Robles Now (CPRN2012) hosted the forum and former congresswoman Andrea Seastrand moderated, which included candidates... (Continue reading)
San Luis Obispo Sheriff deputies are searching for four chihuahuas that they unintentionally let loose in Nipomo during a suspect pursuit Tuesday evening. Shortly after 10 p.m., a deputy attempted to pull over Ruben Rivera, 28, for a traffic violation... (Continue reading)
As the San Luis Obispo City Council held its final meeting before the Nov. 6 election day, a candlelight vigil for the city’s homeless population took place outside. A group of San Luis Obispo citizens who oppose the city’s ongoing... (Continue reading)
Do rising state taxes really cause millionaires to trundle off to more friendly fiscal environs? Apparently not, according to the findings of two sociologists who will be presenting their findings to lawmakers, lobbyists, reporters and others in a Sacramento appearance... (Continue reading)
California is trying to shame 500 businesses and people into paying their delinquent taxes, including two individuals from the Central Coast who combined owe more than $680,000. As part of its collection tactic, the state posted its annual list last... (Continue reading)
A Merced man visiting Cayucos with his wife for his 68th birthday did not survive the celebration. [KCOY] People walking along the beach Tuesday morning discovered the body of David Woodruff, whom his wife had reported missing an hour earlier.... (Continue reading)
A barrage of political candidates and campaigns will appear at Cuesta College this week. Associated Students of Cuesta College will hold two election forums: one today at the San Luis Obispo campus and another Thursday at the Paso Robles campus.... (Continue reading)
Asserting that California government officials are not good tax stewards, a Republican candidate has suggested they “should be shot” for their failings. [Sacramento Bee] One-term Assemblyman Mike Morrell is locked in a battle with Democrat Russ Warner for the 40th... (Continue reading)