By LISA RIZZO The California Military Whistleblower Protection Act, prompted by an investigation at Camp San Luis Obispo into bonus and incentive fraud among the ranks of the California National Guard, was signed into law Friday. The military reform package,... (Continue reading)
By KAREN VELIE All but one of six complaints filed by the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District objecting to actions taken and rulings by the Regional Water Quality Control Board during a Sept. 7 hearing were overruled Thursday.... (Continue reading)
Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill on Sunday that will let as many as 350,000 undocumented immigrants qualify for California driver’s licenses. [LATimes] Those under 30-years-old who came to this country before they were 16-years-old, would qualify if they are... (Continue reading)
Police arrested a 59-year-old San Luis Obispo man for allegedly attempting to murder his 46-year-old neighbor early Sunday morning following an argument over a cell phone. Shortly after midnight, officers responding to calls of a disturbance at the Bullock Garden... (Continue reading)
San Luis Obispo County residents need to add reusable bags to their shopping lists or pay 10 cents apiece for paper bags to comply with a new ordinance that goes into effect on Monday. Following impassioned arguments for and against... (Continue reading)
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff deputies filed charges on Friday against a mentally ill Cambria man suspected of killing his 20-year-old brother on Aug. 23. On Aug. 26, after discovering Tyler Daniel Hanks’s body at the northern edge of the... (Continue reading)
The California Coastal Commission will no longer hear PG&E’s case for a seismic testing permit in October, but rather at its November meeting. PG&E revised its planned seismic survey Thursday, causing the Coastal Commission to postpone its hearing on the... (Continue reading)
California’s agricultural industry will be faced with making major amendments to farming methods and crop plantings as Earth’s climate continues its warming evolution. [San Francisco Chronicle] “Climate change is stacking the deck,” biologist Stuart Weiss said in an article prepared... (Continue reading)
While Morro Bay needs to upgrade its aging sewer plant, can it afford the extra $60 million in cost needed to comply with the California Coastal Commission’s recommendation that the plant be moved a mile from the coastline? California’s coastal... (Continue reading)
After three days of deliberation, a San Luis Obispo County jury was unable to arrive at a unanimous agreement on whether or not a firefighter is guilty of felony assault and the judge declared a mistrial. Eight jurors believed John... (Continue reading)