Daily Briefs

Same-sex couples will get coverage

Same-sex spouses and partners are entitled to long-term care insurance coverage from CalPERS, a federal judge ruled Friday. [Sacramento Bee] U.S. District Court Judge Claudia Wilken scrubbed part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act, defining marriage as between a... (Continue reading)

Boat loaded with marijuana found near San Simeon

California Park Rangers discovered a 35-foot boat loaded with 2,000 pounds of marijuana on the coast two miles north of Piedras Blancas on Thursday, San Luis Obispo County Sheriff officials said. Sheriff narcotics investigators arrived to find the abandoned panga... (Continue reading)

Help find Gus

Dogs lovers in and around San Luis Obispo are coming together on the Internet to help locate a dog missing since last Sunday. Tessa Bunge, a Cal Poly graduate, was in town over the weekend, visiting from her current home... (Continue reading)

Missing Fox executive spotted in Morro Bay

Missing 20th Century Fox executive Gavin Smith has allegedly been hiding out in Morro Bay. [CalabasasPatch] A waitress and a patron at Taco Temple in Morro Bay believe they spotted the 6 feet 6 inch tall former UCLA basketball player... (Continue reading)

Brown down, tax plan up

Gov. Jerry Brown’s popularity is slipping, but support for his tax initiative proposal is gaining traction . [Sacramento Bee] Poll results from the Public Policy Institute of California show that for the first time since taking office, Brown’s approval rating... (Continue reading)

County schools drowning in deficits

Five San Luis Obispo County school districts have made the state’s list of most fiscally endangered, and California Superintendent of Schools Tom Torlakson said those districts, and more than 180 others in this state, face bankruptcy — a record number.... (Continue reading)

Attempted murder in Oceano

Police arrested a man on Tuesday for allegedly attempting to shoot a man in Oceano on Tuesday at about 5:15. Brandon  Rietkerk, 28, was arrested for allegedly pulling a gun, and pulling the trigger in an attempt to shoot a ... (Continue reading)

Court says cities can ban pot stores

A federal appeals court known for its liberal leanings has affirmed a city’s ability to ban medical marijuana dispensaries without violating disability mandates. [San Francisco Chronicle] The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco issued its ruling Monday,... (Continue reading)

Air district staff wants to raise fees

Staff at the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District is asking its board on Wednesday to approve a handful of fee increases in order to cover its growing budget needs, according to the agenda. Staff is requesting increasing... (Continue reading)

Arroyo Grande cross burners sentenced to prison

Three of the four defendants accused of committing a hate crime against a black teen in Arroyo Grande last year were sentenced to prison on Monday. San Luis Obispo Superior Court Judge Jacquelyn Duffy sentenced Jason Kahn, 36, to 12... (Continue reading)