
Ann and Roger, cartoon

CalCoastNews is now including work by San Luis Obispo cartoonist Joseph Rankin. Check out his work at the Kranky Cartoonist.  ... (Continue reading)

Movie review: Safe House

By MIRANDA FORESMAN Denzel Washington could make a banana perform as if it were Carmen Miranda in the flesh. He just brings out the best in his costars that way. In his latest release, Safe House, he even manages to... (Continue reading)

Peter Yarrow shines at the Clark Center

By COLIN JONES Some artists and athletes are simply known by their first name: Kobe, Demi, Tiger. The name of singer/ songwriter Peter Yarrow may not mean a lot but Peter, Paul and Mary certainly does. On Saturday night, the... (Continue reading)

Cuesta College to host wine exports symposium

In an effort to help the wine industry reach new international markets, the Business and Entrepreneurship Center at Cuesta College will host a free wine exports symposium on Thursday, Feb. 23 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Galaxy Colony Square... (Continue reading)

Cal Poly recognizes local photographer

At a forum on Monday, Feb 6, Cal Poly is honoring the work of a local photographer, while also celebrating diversity on campus. “Celebrating Diversity,” held in conjunction with Black History Month, begins at 5 p.m. in the Performing Arts... (Continue reading)

Movie review: Contraband

BY MIRANDA FORESMAN Take some thrills, some suspense, and a great deal of illegal activity, blend them thoroughly and place aboard a container ship, and you’ve got yourself a crime-thriller. Contraband, while not hugely original, entertains enough with fairly good... (Continue reading)

Vince Neil and crew shake up the Chumash

By COLIN JONES If a tree falls in a deserted forest, does it make a sound? That’s a tough one. But how about a famous lead singer backed by session musicians playing his band’s hit songs, does that qualify as... (Continue reading)

Take time off from politics, and bake something for those you love

By ROGER FREBERG Here we are in the midst of the holiday season. Most people who bake from scratch measure this season from the first thought of a Thanksgiving Turkey and Pumpkin Pie to the last chip and dip at... (Continue reading)

Cuesta College tutoring center celebrates turning 40

Cuesta College’s tutoring services were recognized for 40 years of service with a certificate from Assemblyman Katcho Achadjian at a celebration on Wednesday. Several dozen students, faculty members and local dignitaries were on hand for a re-dedication of the San... (Continue reading)

Weekend spotlight: Make Merry at the Lighthouse

“Make Merry at the Lighthouse” is the theme for the third annual holiday celebration at the Point San Luis Lighthouse being held Saturday. Besides the dazzling trolley ride, spectacular decorated lighthouse buildings, and coastal vistas, this 1890 celebration includes musicians,... (Continue reading)