
Police chief, city attorney, manager among 7 charged with corruption

Riverside County prosecutors arrested seven Beaumont city officials last month including the chief of police, the city manager and the public works director for allegedly participating in an elaborate scheme that dates back more than two decades and cost taxpayers... (Continue reading)

Orcutt mother gets probation for grabbing kids and running to Mexico

An Orcutt mother convicted of child abduction will not have to serve jail times as punishment for her crime. The mother grabbed her two daughters and fled to Mexico after the children’s father was granted visitation rights. Michelle Christin Gibbs... (Continue reading)

Atascadero teen sentenced to year in jail for 9/11 stunt

An Atascadero teen has received a one-year jail sentence for a stunt that brought the bomb squad out to San Gabriel Elementary School and shut down the campus for two weeks. Bret Stephen Landen, 18, carried out the stunt on... (Continue reading)

Driver hits parked trucks, goes airborne in SLO

A woman crashed her car into two trucks parked on the side of the Sacramento Drive near Via Esteban Wednesday afternoon in San Luis Obispo. The woman’s car then went airborne and spun 180 degrees before landing. [KSBY] The woman... (Continue reading)

California Senate votes to ban smoking at the beach

California state senators voted Tuesday to ban smoking at beaches and parks. The bill would also prohibit disposing of tobacco waste at state parks and state beaches. [LA Times] Supporters of SB 1333 say the bill is necessary, not only... (Continue reading)

SLO mail-in ballots contain error

The envelopes delivered with San Luis Obispo County vote-by-mail ballots incorrectly instruct voters, “Mail early. Postmarks do not count.” After a change in state law, vote-by-mail ballots will now be counted if they are postmarked on election day and reach... (Continue reading)

Former CalPERS CEO gets prison time for bribery

The former CEO of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) has received a 4.5-year prison sentence. Federico Buenrostro accepted more than $200,000 in bribes and tried to direct investments to an associate, who later committed suicide. [Wall Street Journal]... (Continue reading)

Lopez Lake getting low again

Despite the recent El Nino rains, park rangers are preparing to kick boaters out of Lopez Lake. The boat ramp at the lake will close in about four weeks. [KSBY] Lopez Lake is currently at 28.8 percent capacity, according to... (Continue reading)

Many California counties keeping campaign finances offline

Less than half of California’s counties provide the public with online access to campaign finance records. [LA Times] In 2012, the California Legislature amended the Political Reform Act of 1974, allowing local jurisdictions to eliminate paper filing requirements for campaign... (Continue reading)

Man dies in Memorial Day ATV crash near Nacimiento Lake

A 30-year-old San Diego man died in an ATV accident Monday near Nacimiento Lake. Authorities have identified the man as Joshua Anthony Buttitta. Shortly after 12 p.m., Buttitta was driving a Yamaha Rhinoa, failed to navigate a turn on a... (Continue reading)