
Diablo Canyon reactor at half power

The Unit 1 reactor at Diablo Canyon Power Plant is at half power following the malfunction of a feedwater pump. [KSBY] The feedwater pump is responsible for pumping water to a boiler, which generates steam power in the non-nuclear section... (Continue reading)

How smart are you?

Are you Mensa smart? Mensa, the club for people with high IQs, is having its national testing date on Saturday Oct. 19. In San Luis Obispo County testing will be given at the SeaVenture Resort in Pismo Beach at 9 a.m.... (Continue reading)

Supreme Court tosses Santa Maria groundwater rights case

By JOSH FRIEDMAN The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal of the disputed Santa Maria Groundwater Basin management plan, ending 16 years of costly litigation over water supplies in Northern Santa Barbara County and Southern San Luis Obispo... (Continue reading)

Kelly Gearhart’s trial delayed a fourth time

By KAREN VELIE For the fourth time, former Atascadero “Person of the Year” and prominent North County land developer Kelly Gearhart’s fraud trial has been delayed. Gearhart’s public defender, Kim Savo, successfully requested another delay in her client’s trial originally... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles robber leads police on 40 mile chase

A month after he was arrested for robbing a Paso Robles gas station, Azar Moore led police on a 40 mile chase from Fresno to Yosemite National Park. In September, Moore robbed a Shell gas station on 24th Street in... (Continue reading)

Cambria board member challenging Gibson for supervisor

Muril Clift, member of the Cambria Community Services District (CSD) Board of Directors, will challenge incumbent Bruce Gibson for the District Two San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors seat. Clift is a past president of the Cambria CSD board... (Continue reading)

Plan for a balanced groundwater district

OPINION By WILLIAM FROST An apparent consensus reached over the past several months is that a special water district is required to deal with the water crisis in San Luis Obispo’s North County. The day-to-day actions of this district would... (Continue reading)

Dry ice bomb explodes in LAX bathroom

A bottle of dry ice exploded in a men’s bathroom at the Los Angeles International Airport Sunday evening, causing a delay in flights and triggering a response from the Los Angeles Police Department bomb squad. [LA Times] Around 7 p.m.... (Continue reading)

Missing 72-year-old man found alive

A 72-year-old hunter missing in the Mendocino National Forest for 18 days was found alive on Saturday. After separating from a hunting buddy, Gene Penaflor of San Francisco fell and hit his head. He awoke hours later in a canyon.... (Continue reading)

California bans hunting with lead bullets

Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into law Friday that will ban the use of lead bullets by hunters. [LA Times] The lead bullet ban, introduced by Democratic Assemblyman Anthony Rendon, will take effect in July 2019. “There is simply... (Continue reading)