
Cambria Man Killed on Highway 1

A Cambria man was hit by a car and killed Thursday night on Highway 1 near Moonstone Beach. Milton Torell, 64, was standing next to his bike just north of Cambria when he was hit by a 1996 Dodge Neon... (Continue reading)

State pension reform envisioned

Public employees’ pensions will be reformed by the legislature before the next state budget is adopted, Senate President Pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg predicted today. [Sacramento Bee] “We are committed to getting pension reform done,” said the Upper House leader, downplaying... (Continue reading)

Eleven people rescued from SLO elevator

San Luis Obispo city firefighters rescued eleven people who were stuck inside the Palm Street parking structure elevator on Thursday evening. [KCOY] Around 7 p.m., the elevator became stuck. Firefighters point to an excessive amount of weight in the elevator... (Continue reading)

Man arrested for child pornography umpired girls’ softball

An Atascadero man arrested Tuesday for possessing child pornography worked as an umpire for Atascadero Girls’ Softball, board members confirmed today. Girls from 6-years-old to 18-years-old play softball as part of the Atascadero league. While several board members confirmed Andrew... (Continue reading)

Atascadero man arrested for child pornography

FBI agents arrested an Atascadero man on Tuesday for receipt and possession of child pornography. Andrew Guy Pratt, 47, allegedly received and downloaded child pornography videos from September through November. The Films were of men having sexual activities with girls... (Continue reading)

Cuesta College employees sue over alleged sexual harassment

Four women filed suit in December against a Cuesta College faculty chair, the college and several campus officials claiming ongoing sexual harassment and the college’s failure to respond to complaints. [Tribune] Three claimants contend Don Norton, Cuesta’s division chair of... (Continue reading)

Curiosity and controversy over wave potential power arise

California’s Central Coast has the second largest wave potential power in the nation, falling second only to the state of Alaska, according to a new study conducted by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). [MontereyCountyWeekly] Atmocean Incorporated founder Phil Kithil... (Continue reading)

SLO managers accused of intercepting council mail

By SYDNEY RAY A San Luis Obispo property owner spoke out on Tuesday about an incident involving mail sent to the City Council members being intercepted, the originals shredded and the correspondence withheld from the city’s elected officials for several... (Continue reading)

Oh Cuesta, my Cuesta

OPINION By MARILYN ROSSA My heart hurts right now. My Cuesta College is seriously wounded. Many of you have been here long enough to remember. There was a time when you only had to interview at Cuesta to fall in... (Continue reading)

Santa Maria police officer admitted illicit relationship

At a contentious Santa Maria City Council meeting, the police chief said prior to the shooting death of Officer Albert Covarrubias Jr., the department taped the officer admitting he had sexual contact with a 17-year-old girl. [KSBY] On Tuesday night,... (Continue reading)