
SLO County finds no conflict of interest with Ogren’s relationship

UPDATE: Find an audio of the altercation between Linde Owen and Adam Hill at the bottom of this article.  San Luis Obispo County’s top official said Tuesday his investigation showed Public Works Director Paavo Ogren having a dating relationship with... (Continue reading)

How much money do you need to survive?

How much income does one need to earn in San Luis Obispo County to be self-sufficient? A lot more than just three years ago, apparently. A gross salary of about $2,220 a month buys a single person living in this... (Continue reading)

Dumb school board member of the week gets no support

A Massachusetts school board member resigned following a much-publicized magic trick at a meeting where he appeared to remove the bra of a fellow board member. [The Enterprise] The meeting was being aired live on cable television at the time.... (Continue reading)

Grocery bag ban heads to court

The debate over banning paper and plastic grocery bags took a predictable turn Monday with the filing of a lawsuit challenging the new Los Angeles County ban. [Fox & Hounds] The lawsuit was filed by Neilsen, Merksamer, Parrinello, Gross &... (Continue reading)

Credit card fraud devices found at Paso Robles gas stations

The Paso Robles Police department is investigating a credit card fraud scheme after discovering devices designed to capture debit card and personal identification numbers at two area gas stations. After officers found the first skimmer at the One Stop Market... (Continue reading)

No such thing as a free lunch?

Children of a San Luis Obispo County school district superintendent were signed up for a federal free lunch program, causing some to wonder if school officials increase federal funding by routinely inflating estimates of poverty-level student numbers on program applications. Chris... (Continue reading)

California wineries battle against alcohol regulation bill

National beer and wine wholesalers want legislation to affirm state control over alcoholic beverage sales, but wineries in California and nationwide say it’s an attempt to limit direct sales to consumers, a rapidly growing segment of the wine market. [Californian.com]... (Continue reading)

USA Today loves Paso Robles

Forget about gang problems and water issues—Paso Robles was back in the national spotlight over the weekend with glowing travel coverage from USA Today. Calling Paso Robles, “California’s fastest-growing, and to many, most surprising wine region,”  reporter Jayne Clark seemed... (Continue reading)

Firefighters rescue kayakers in Morro Bay Estuary

Cal Fire paramedics and firefighters made a heroic rescue Saturday evening after a father and daughter became stuck in the mud in the Morro Bay Estuary. Brian Kelly and his 8-year-old daughter Erin headed to Morro Bay earlier in the day... (Continue reading)

Sentencing law takes effect Monday

Starting Monday, felons sentenced in California for non-violent and non-sexual crimes will be sent to their local county jails instead of state prisons to serve time. Drug dealers, burglars and other felons sentenced in San Luis Obispo Superior Court will... (Continue reading)