In California’s only Republican-on-Republican congressional race this year, former assemblyman and gubernatorial candidate, Tim Donnelly, is taking aim at a three-term incumbent congressman and retired marine colonel. [Cal Coast Times] The campaign for California’s 8th District congressional seat has been... (Continue reading)
OPINION by SHARLOTTE WILSON It’s a silly season again, campaign rhetoric about who’s supporting whom — when the signs say it all. A quick drive around Arroyo Grande and you’ll see Caren Ray signs on developer owned vacant properties. On... (Continue reading)
A pair of thieves made a break out the emergency exit of the San Luis Obispo Target store Sunday night while stealing $1,000 worth of electronics, SLO Police Chief Deanna Cantrell announced in a tweet. [Cal Coast Times] At about... (Continue reading)
Falcon 9’s first West Coast land landing — SpaceX (@SpaceX) October 8, 2018 Hundreds of spectators gathered outside of Lompoc while countless other people watched and took photos and videos from up and down the California Coast Sunday... (Continue reading)
One person was killed Sunday evening and another was injured when a car and motorcycle crashed on Highway 101 near El Campo Road in Arroyo Grande. [Cal Coast Times] Shortly before 5 p.m., the vehicle and the motorcycle collided in... (Continue reading)
Health officials in Los Angeles County reported on Friday that a typhus outbreak has reached “epidemic levels” — which some experts blame on the poor living conditions of the areas homeless population. [Cal Coast Times] Of the 42 cases reported... (Continue reading)
A domestic dispute in Morro Bay led to the arrest of one man for stabbing both a woman and a man repeatedly on Saturday morning. [Cal Coast Times] Shortly before 6 a.m., officers responding to reports of an assault found... (Continue reading)
OPINION by T. KEITH GURNEE Our current San Luis Obispo mayor would have us believe that crime has gone down between 2017-2018, but it belies a disturbing truth. Our Police Department’s own published crime statistics for the first three-quarters of... (Continue reading)
Paso Robles police arrested a 43-year-old man on Friday who allegedly offered a group of children at Georgia Brown Elementary School candy. [Cal Coast Times] Shortly before 8 a.m., the school children reported a man had offered them candy. Officers... (Continue reading)
The San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s Office filed felony embezzlement charges on Tuesday against a former San Miguel Community Services District bookkeeper who allegedly embezzled $38,000 in district funds. [Cal Coast Times] Kallie Leighanne Johnson, 29, misappropriated and embezzled... (Continue reading)