After years of positive reporting, a New Times editorial chastised San Luis Obispo supervisors Adam Hill and Bruce Gibson for a last minute ploy to push through their plans for low-cost housing. Hill responded by sending an email to New... (Continue reading)
A 47-year-old Southern California man failed to make it to shore after his boat capsized at Lopez Lake on Thursday afternoon. The man drowned and was later found dead in the lake. Around 2:15 p.m., three people were sailing on... (Continue reading)
A fight at the minimum-security Lompoc Federal Correctional complex on Wednesday evening left nine inmates and three prison staffers injured. [KSBY] Around 9 p.m., a fight broke out between inmates. Guards immediately contained the incident and sent the inmate population... (Continue reading)
A San Luis Obispo woman who has been using an alias for the last 20 years stole about $100,000 and a vehicle from en elderly man with Alzheimer’s who recently moved out of the area, according to police. In May... (Continue reading)
San Luis Obispo police arrested a man whom they say admitted to breaking into a downtown business over the weekend. The burglary resulted in the theft of thousands of dollars of electronics, which have yet to be located, according to... (Continue reading)
A San Luis Obispo resident lost more more than $1,200 worth of property after leaving valuables in an unlocked car in the 200 block of California Boulevard. Among the items that were stolen was a credit card, which two Arroyo... (Continue reading)
As part of major budget cuts, Santa Barbara County is closing the Santa Maria jail. [KCOY] The move will force law enforcement officers in Northern Santa Barbara County to transport suspects down to Santa Barbara every time they make an... (Continue reading)
By KAREN VELIE County supervisor Adam Hill dropped out of a planned trip to Colorado with members of the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce after local business leaders failed to support Hill’s attempt to redirect county budget priorities. Chamber... (Continue reading)
San Luis Obispo police are searching for a a burglar who stole thousands of dollars of merchandise from a business over the weekend. The burglary reportedly occurred in the 800 block of Higuera Street. Most of the stolen merchandise was... (Continue reading)
OPINION by T. KEITH GURNEE Californians, it’s time to take stock of ourselves. Who are we? Where do we stand? Where might we be heading tomorrow? Tough questions that need incisive answers. As a native Californian, the state of my... (Continue reading)