
John Peschong’s election story

Special to CCN by William Peischel The closure of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, gang-related activity, homelessness and the drought are among the largest issues in the race for supervisor in the San Luis Obispo County Board of District 1... (Continue reading)

Local philanthropist donates $20,000 to Carpenter campaign

Open letter from Dan Carpenter I’m pleased to announce my campaign for 3rd District Supervisor has received a major contribution, $20,000, from B. Wayne Hughes Jr., an 18-year resident of San Luis Obispo County. I’m proud to have earned the... (Continue reading)

Tom Fulks promotes division and anxiety

OPINION by ANDREA DEVITT As an educator in California public schools for over 26 years, I have seen this presidential election evoke more distress and anxiety in students like no other. As community leaders, educators and elected officials it is... (Continue reading)

Arroyo Grande cross burner arrested on gun charges

One of the men convicted in the 2011 Arroyo Grande cross burning case could be heading back to prison well before the date he was scheduled to be released. Jeremiah Leo “Smurf” Hernandez returned to San Luis Obispo Superior Court... (Continue reading)

Alleged arsonist arrested for setting two fires in Morro Bay

Authorities arrested a suspected arsonist for setting two fires in Morro Bay Tuesday evening. Officials have yet to release the suspect’s identity. [KSBY] Shortly after 5 p.m., the fires were discovered along a trail on Black Hill between Morro Bay... (Continue reading)

Driver has seizure, crashes into North County mobile home

A Paso Robles woman driving near Lake Nacimiento suffered a seizure, lost control of her vehicle and crashed into a wooden deck attached to a mobile home on Tuesday. [Tribune] Tina Marie Seebach, 46, was driving up a dirt road... (Continue reading)

Adam Hill’s election story

Special to CCN by Katelyn Piziali Civility while doing business on the San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors is a luxury, Adam Hill says. Argument is not only common in meetings, but a necessity in making decisions for the county.... (Continue reading)

Dan Carpenter’s election story

Special to CCN by Katelyn Piziali If you ask San Luis Obispo City Council member Dan Carpenter, being a nice guy should mean finishing first. The San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors has a history of unruliness during its... (Continue reading)

Another driver dies in crash on Highway 166

For the second time in a span of about 36 hours, a person died Tuesday in a crash on Highway 166. The accident was the fifth fatal collision on the highway since early September. Around 6:30 a.m., a Dodge van... (Continue reading)

Blakeslee-backed initiative aims for transparency in California Legislature

A ballot initiative backed by former state sen. Sam Blakeslee and Republican donor Charles Munger, Jr. aims to prevent California lawmakers from ramming through legislation before their colleagues and the public have been given the opportunity to review it. The... (Continue reading)