
Who are you kidding Mr. Reaugh?

OPINION By LARRY MCGOURTY I read Mr. Reaugh’s latest “advertorial” for a water district with some bemusement. How a small band of elitists and a grass root organization so out of touch that its own membership is in open rebellion... (Continue reading)

Steve Sinton sets the record straight

OPINION By STEVE SINTON One would think that something as expensive as litigation would be founded on sound principles, rather than false accusations against your neighbors and fellow landowners. Neither PRAAGS nor Pro Water Equity have ever suggested or supported... (Continue reading)

Let school administrators craft tenure compromise

OPINION By SUPERINTENDENT CURT DUBOST, Ed.D. A very important, potentially landmark lawsuit is now before Superior Court in Los Angeles involving teacher employment and evaluation in the State of California. The case, Vergara v. California, asserts that current teacher tenure... (Continue reading)

Letter to the editor: Setting the record straight

By KEVIN PEARSON On behalf of Eastern Municipal Water District, we would like to set the record straight regarding Ms. Steinbeck’s guest column on the water rights of residents within the Paso Robles and Kern County regions. Perris-based Eastern Municipal... (Continue reading)

POWR IS “belligerent” defending North County

PRAAGS/PWE chose the word “belligerent” in a recent Op Ed to describe the efforts of our Protect Our Water Rights [POWR] group. This is an appropriate choice of words as “belligerent” means, “having a war-like attitude.” POWR is defending all... (Continue reading)

Water district supporters criticize POWR and PR-WIN

OPINION by JERRY REAUGH and SUE LUFT We urge the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors to approve the Legislative Platform Policy Statement on February 18, supporting special legislation that would advance the process to create an independent water... (Continue reading)

Do not force a water district on Paso Robles

OPINION By CAROL ROWLAND The formation of the proposed PR Basin Groundwater District would be by votes based on acreage. There are 4,906 landowners. It would only take an estimated 30 to 50 large landowners to establish it, 30 to... (Continue reading)

Has the Supreme Court already held SLO City’s Low Campaign Contribution Limits Unconstitutional?

OPINION By STEW JENKINS In 1974, the City of San Luis Obispo limited campaign contribution for mayor and council candidates to $100. This is equivalent to $465 in today’s dollars, but the limit has only been raised once: now at... (Continue reading)

Export power is still on the table

OPINION By CINDY STEINBECK Paso Robles Agricultural Alliance for Groundwater Solutions and Pro Water Equity (PRAAGS/ PWE) has stated that I have participated in a “smear campaign to deceive and confuse residents” with “deception and half-truths.” These accusations are false.... (Continue reading)

Barbara Boxer grills NRC over Diablo Canyon

OPINION By ALLIANCE FOR NUCLEAR RESPONSIBILITY For the second time since November of last year, Senator Barbara Boxer has called upon Chairman Allison Macfarlane of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to explain and clarify how the NRC can allow Pacific... (Continue reading)