OPINION by ALEX ALEXIEV On Aug. 27, SLO county supervisors Bruce Gibson and Adam Hill will try to push through an “emergency” ordinance to deal with the purported ground water depletion in the Paso Robles water basin. `According to existing statutes, to... (Continue reading)
By WARREN FRANKEL, M.D., M.S. Deeper wells are not the problem, they are the solution to our North Coast water issues. That’s my conclusion, based on a thorough search of existing scientific literature. I’ve identified a number of unfortunate incorrect... (Continue reading)
OPINION By JULIE TACKER Millions of gallons of groundwater of unknown water quality is currently being dumped into the Morro Bay National Estuary 24/7. The Los Osos Wastewater Project’s “last resort” location has become “Option 1” to discharge dewatering water... (Continue reading)
OPINION By GARY E. FORESMAN, MD Recently the media has continued its intentional misinformation campaign intended to create fear in the public and create the illusion of controversy, this time targeting fish oil supplements. The purpose of this campaign is... (Continue reading)
OPINION By SUPERVISOR DEBBIE ARNOLD 1) Dry Wells Our top priority must be assisting those residents with dry wells. a) If wells weren’t dry, the decline of the basin would be a problem, not a crisis. b) Urgency is required... (Continue reading)
OPINION By LEANN SEROKA Dear Supervisors Debbie Arnold and Frank Mecham: I have been following the water issue for a number of months now. My interest was piqued after receiving a letter. This letter was not addressed to me, but... (Continue reading)
OPINION By JULIE TACKER We live in a country where free speech is coveted, but here in “San-Gibson-Obispo County” such freedoms are under fire. In the wake of the untimely death of Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Paul Teixeira,... (Continue reading)
OPINION By DAVID CONGALTON Actor Dennis Farina died Monday morning at his home in Scottsdale, Arizona at the age of 69. Medical reports indicate a blood clot. Genuine, well-deserved praise has splashed across the Internet in honor of this former... (Continue reading)
OPINION By TOM SALMON On June 7, CalCoastNews was gracious enough to post my opinion piece explaining the engineering complications and additional overruns surrounding the dewatering for the Los Osos sewer project. Since then little has changed. Above ground infrastructure... (Continue reading)
OPINION By PETER SCHEER The Supreme Court has ducked the legal challenge to Prop 8, thereby avoiding a landmark ruling on one of the central constitutional claims of our time: the right of gays to marry, not just in California... (Continue reading)