
It is time to set the record straight

(Editors note: Aaron Ochs posted,  as a news story, a claim that activist Julie Tacker threatened his family. The claim has been used to demean Tacker, the activist responsible for pointing out Brown Act violations that ultimately led to a... (Continue reading)

Do we need the proposed Paso Robles water district?

OPINION By JIM OLESNANIK I learned long ago that before you can solve a problem, you must first identify the problem and secondly, the underlying cause of that problem. What is the problem? The “problem” is dropping water levels in... (Continue reading)

Oceano board to blame for deficit

OPINION By JULIE TACKER Tonight’s Oceano Community Services District Board meeting will try to answer questions that have been posed to the district since the 3.5 percent rate increase notice went out on March. The rate increase, as noticed by... (Continue reading)

Marine mammal rescue is a problem

OPINION By STEVEN L. REBUCK It should be apparent that the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (MMPA) is now causing significant harm to some species of marine mammals. The MMPA proposed to allow marine mammal populations to increase to... (Continue reading)

One Los Osos well is in danger, not the entire basin

OPINION By JULIE TACKER Henny Penny (aka Chicken Little) once said, “The sky is falling; the sky is falling.” The phrase has become a common idiom indicating a hysterical or mistaken belief that disaster is imminent. The front page special... (Continue reading)

Is the Oceano dunes a Machine or other contrivance?

OPINION BY KEVIN RICE If you answer “no” to the above question, you agree with Friends of Oceano Dunes. Three years of litigation challenging the Air Pollution Control District’s “dust rule” (Rule 1001) regulating Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area... (Continue reading)

Diablo Canyon used bad data for safety equipment for 30 years

OPINION by Friends of the Earth Pacific Gas & Electric Co. used incorrect earthquake and accident data when building crucial safety equipment for the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, according to information released by Senator Barbara Boxer. Friends of the... (Continue reading)

Letter to the editor: Is it time to dissolve Los Osos?

OPINION By TOM SALMON Just when you thought the Los Osos Community Services District (LOCSD) could do nothing more stupid than allowing 150 million gallons – equivalent to six months’ of their district’s supply – of fresh water to be... (Continue reading)

Illegal groundwater ordinance proposed

OPINION By ALLEN DUCKWORTH The San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors passed an urgency ordinance in Aug. 2013 to protect the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin from further depletion, however loopholes in that ordinance allowed for even greater vineyard planting... (Continue reading)

Morro Bay needs to follow its own ordinances

OPINION By LINDA STEDJEE Recently, the Morro Bay Harbor Department allowed berthing of two commercial fishing boats at a marina south of Tidelands Park. That is not permitted under the Morro Bay Local Coastal Program (LCP) and related municipal code.... (Continue reading)