A Templeton husband and wife were arrested for the alleged repeated molestation of a male relative under the age of 14, according to a sheriff report. Donald Baker, the former nursing director of the intensive care unit at a Templeton hospital,... (Continue reading)
The Oceano Community Services District will likely be slapped with nearly $75,000 in fees after losing a civil lawsuit that found the board illegally appointed one of its directors. In his tentative ruling released Tuesday San Luis Obispo County Superior Court... (Continue reading)
The Republican-dominated House voted against cutting farm subsidies for the wealthy while agreeing to slash domestic and international food aid on Thursday. The bill to cut Agriculture Department and Food and Drug Administration spending by 13 percent for the budget year... (Continue reading)
A vehicle crash into a San Luis Obispo creek has revealed the extent of a personal relationship between a top county official and a Los Osos Community Services District board member—raising allegations of a possible conflict of interest. Accusations that Paavo... (Continue reading)
A group of local property owners are aggravated to learn San Luis Obispo is sitting on more than $74 million in cash and investments but despite that will soon be asking them to pay more for water, sewer and parking... (Continue reading)
A San Luis Obispo firefighter who put one man in the hospital during a wedding after-party earlier this month, allegedly bashed another man over the head with a full bottle of champagne during a 1997 wedding in Los Osos. CalCoastNews has... (Continue reading)
A local firefighter allegedly beat a man unconscious in a bathroom at Pappy McGregor’s in San Luis Obispo on Saturday after an eight-month rift stemming from claims the firefighter was having an affair with another firefighter’s wife. The incident has sparked... (Continue reading)
Oceano’s former general manager asked the company he purchased a controversial new computer system from to input unconfirmed accounting data leaving the district unable to come up with accurate financial information. After years of financial mismanagement, Oceano Community Services District is... (Continue reading)
Atascadero employees are breaking rules that limit the amount of vacation accrual leaving the city with a $553,000 unfunded liability, according to city finance documents. City personnel rules, set in place to protect the city from financial liability, make department heads... (Continue reading)
Critics of a proposed sale of a community garden allege Grover Beach city leaders have been using state redevelopment funds to bail out the city during revenue shortfalls by funneling money from its Improvement Agency into its general fund. And... (Continue reading)