Recent Comments:
"It's obvious to me why SLO downtown did not make the list. Homeless roaming the streets and camping out overnight. Mini-SF.
There was a time when SLO downtown was on everyone's list."
Sloable commented in:
Paso Robles, Arroyo Grande make best downtown list on 2025-03-13 07:23:26
"Because the suspect is an Oregon resident Californias' minimum requirement would make no difference but Oregons' liability minimum is $25,000/$50,000.
And yes the law changed in Ca. on January 31 this year to $30.000/$60.000."
matthwy58 commented in:
Suspect in deadly San Luis Obispo crash charged with murder on 2025-03-13 05:34:01
"These bicycle riders were 87 and 73 !! Obviously their had spent many decades living healthy and active lives. To have this happen to them and for Mr. Goldberg to lose his life this way is absolutely tragic and only due to the stupidity and selfishness of a scumbag. Blood alcohol of level of .32!!?!! Good job Dan Dow for pursuing murder charges. Now get a conviction and throw away the key!"
NorthCountyLady commented in:
Suspect in deadly San Luis Obispo crash charged with murder on 2025-03-12 20:58:46
"This person probably only has CA minimum insurance policy of $15,000/$30,000 This was set in 1982. CA has one of the worst legislatures in the country. They are not only corrupt they sell out the people they represent. Demand Change Mr. Saul Goldberg's life is worth Millions of Dollars not this. Vote out Newsom and the rest of the crooks in Sacramento that make life worth less than actual Value.
His compainions injuries are worth more than $15,000 too. The only way a good PI attorney can get them more is if they have really good insurance. I hope they had a good insurance policy and paid out the nose for it.
Thank you Dan Dow and SLO DAs office for holding this drunk idiot liable for her actions."
AvilaBeachBum commented in:
Suspect in deadly San Luis Obispo crash charged with murder on 2025-03-12 18:15:16
"But that's not nature. Naturally occurring cannabis has little odor. This is genetically engineered (yes, you can read that as "GMO") weed that has 10X, or more, the THC as the stuff I smoked in high school in the 70's. Hence, the odor of the plants are also 10X greater.
This isn't seasonal broccoli stink, but 24/7/365 stink that permeates everything."
Army commented in:
Santa Barbara judge approves class action suit for cannabis odors on 2025-03-12 17:31:38
"I'll be perfectly honest... as a dumb kid I did drive drunk... so did my friends... the roads were not as crowded as they are today on the central coast... I was lucky.... but there is no way I drive drunk or even after one sip of wine or beer today... someone can hit you and if the cop smells alcohol its your fault... and lets face it people drive too fast and they are always in a hurry... get your drink of choice and take it home... if you go to a bar call uber... be smart this person was not..."
Rambunctious commented in:
Suspect in deadly San Luis Obispo crash charged with murder on 2025-03-12 17:19:11
"I, too live next to a neighbor who grows a lot of cannabis in the summer. The smell is quite pungent at times, although I don't mind it too much. However, living next to a grow operation with thousands of plants might be a little overwhelming if you don't like the smell, and if you're an old fuddy-duddy."
Mopar commented in:
Santa Barbara judge approves class action suit for cannabis odors on 2025-03-12 12:38:16
"Uh…from the continued disclosure of so much corruption here in slo, he wasn’t watching well enough. That, or he turned a blind eye like so many others."
charles commented in:
Leadership change at San Luis Obispo County COLAB on 2025-03-12 05:36:38
"If you really want to know his name, check the booking log at the jail but you’ll also need the names of the responders since they are part of the clean up and use our money."
Internet Rambo commented in:
Drunk driver crashes into fire hydrant in San Luis Obispo on 2025-03-11 14:29:28
"U.S. about to enter a recession. Prices will logically fall and many will lose their jobs. It’s the logical reaction to a government reorganization. The same thing happened in Reagan’s first term. Those of you with 401k’s may wish to exit the stock market and park that money elsewhere although you’ll take a tax hit. Eventually things will come back, but the market was definitely due to plunge as it has been inflated in recent years. Just look at the reaction by Berkshire Hathaway—they are sitting on over $300 billion in cash, hesitant to invest it until the smoke clears. As for gas prices, don’t hold your breath that they will drop much more here. In the rest of the country, however, they may go down further. In Arizona, you can actually find a gallon of gas under $3.00."
Adam Trask commented in:
San Luis Obispo County gas costs dropping, find the lowest prices on 2025-03-10 23:43:33
"Saw "wealthy" attorneys cite case law; and Child's entertained it as foundation. Then a "regular" attorney cites case law to set foundation and she acts like "following the law is a waste of time for the court". It's sad, how others here are directly and indirectly hurt by Childs Odd appointment and lack of Judicial Ethics.
Reddit forum as well folks so the people can collaborate about this, share this, and report her in group to the BAR for judicial review and misconduct. If one person does it Means Jack All, if 100 do, she might get "scolded"......."
kevin rise commented in:
Attorneys were the judges: Ratings for SLO County judges on 2025-03-10 23:02:55
"Don't complain too much or Armstrong will increase revenues by boosting out of state enrollment to the point where no California residents actually attend Cal Poly. We've seen this before: money gets short and programs that support students are cut; this is then followed by increases in administrative compensation and an administrative hiring frenzy. Really poor leadership at Cal Poly."
jimmy_me commented in:
Why did Cal Poly San Luis Obispo cut its swim and dive teams? on 2025-03-10 21:40:30
"Cool. I guess I can now sue my neighbors for fireplace smoke, BBQ smoke, and chemical charcoal starter fumes, all of which are carcinogenic. Lucky for my neighbors that I don't mind the smell of jasmine and honeysuckle."
jimmy_me commented in:
Santa Barbara judge approves class action suit for cannabis odors on 2025-03-10 21:33:42
"Federman is a great judge. It is scary that a person like Childs can be considered a judge. Federman is fair and smart. Childs is absolutely terrifying for any parent in the family court system. It is unfortunate that someone like Federman is not in family court in her place. I am not familiar with the new persons in family court, but I have heard Peron was a fair judge and liked."
Graham R. commented in:
Attorneys were the judges: Ratings for SLO County judges on 2025-03-10 21:22:09
"Unopposed for judge - before she was a commissioner that snuck in.
She is ruining kids' (and parents') lives with her lack of knowledge of the law. It is criminal what is going on at that courthouse..."
Graham R. commented in:
Attorneys were the judges: Ratings for SLO County judges on 2025-03-10 21:03:51
"The tort of nuisance is one of the oldest civil actions. It’s a high bar to prove, however as defendants actions substantially and unreasonably interfere with your use and enjoyment of your property. Your neighbors diarrhea likely wouldn’t qualify but a huge pot farm might."
copperhead commented in:
Santa Barbara judge approves class action suit for cannabis odors on 2025-03-10 19:01:09
"ERIN CHILDS IS THE WORST JUDGE I'VE EVER SEEN ON THE BENCH. I'm not personally affected, thank goodness, but feel sorry for anyone stuck with her. Terrible rulings, biased, and all-around horrible judge. She ran unopposed. Someone please run against her!"
Murse commented in:
Attorneys were the judges: Ratings for SLO County judges on 2025-03-10 18:57:38
"Cops have already become feelings enforcement, why not add smell enforcement to their duties. If this succeeds every farmer that has residential housing near by better pick their ‘non odorous’ crops wisely or someone offended by the smell of broccoli might sue you."
MysticOne commented in:
Santa Barbara judge approves class action suit for cannabis odors on 2025-03-10 18:39:25
"I can now sue any unappealing smell near me, including my neighbor who leaves their bathroom window open and I can smell their BM. Precedent. What a dumb, horrible,.judge. what's next, Sueing the waste water plant for Offgassing human waste in an open pit near me in Paso that is linked to cancer via Peer reviewed journals I already complained about after multiple National Lawsuits yet people are freaking out about Books and Trannies?"
kevin rise commented in:
Santa Barbara judge approves class action suit for cannabis odors on 2025-03-10 18:37:06
"Fortunately for Hernandez, Governor Newsom has cut funding for Prop. 36, so he'll be charged with misdemeanors (under $950) and given a slap on the wrist."
womanwhohasbeenthere commented in:
Santa Barbara officers arrest alleged serial robber on 2025-03-10 17:47:40
"First hand experience involving the most transparent case With Erin Childish; She doesn't care about the law, and will let someone who has committed 60 documented crimes equating to 60 years jail and fines; walk free; whilst being a rude *itch. And ignoring attorneys whilst doing so. End Immunity. Not sure if it's Masojany, just, Mental deficiency."
kevin rise commented in:
Attorneys were the judges: Ratings for SLO County judges on 2025-03-10 16:00:16